Children meeting in Podvirne village

Greetings to all who love the Lord. Many thanks for your prayers and financial support in these difficult days that we are going through in Ukraine.

- We continue to gather in the house of prayer every Sunday with the church, refugees who live in the city of Novoselytsia come to these meetings. Some of them have gone to other cities.

- We thank God together with the refugees for the humanitarian aid provided to us by the PIEI mission. This caused us to give even more glory to God because He does not forget about us.

-Together with Alla and the young team, we went to the village of Podvirne and met the children in the church there. Most of the children came from unbelieving families. Among them were children of refugees from Kherson. The children heard about how the Good Shepherd Jesus wants to save everyone from death and sin.

We turned off the light and it became cold in the building, but the children stayed until the end of the program, at the end of the meeting, the children were invited to come to them again.

- Together with Grisha Kioresko we visited the military hospital, met with the wounded soldiers, told them words of encouragement from the Gospel, prayed for them, distributed New Testaments and Christian brochures. They told their stories, one of them thanked God that he was alive after a mine exploded next to him and only a small fragment grazed his leg and injured him.

- Pray for peace in Ukraine and the reconciliation of many people with God. Pray for us that God's spirit will guide us and fill it with strength. Gratitude to you for showing us your love in deeds by helping in our service both spiritually and materially. With love to you, the Popov family!

Aid for military

Peace be upon you all who love the Lord and His Church!!

The Grace of God has taken us through 2022 and helped us enter the New Year. With the help of God and his resources that were sent to us and through you, we here in Ukraine can continue to serve in the church and people who are not yet saved.

- As brother Grisha Kioresku already noted, we were together in the Military Hospital, where we met with many wounded soldiers after returning from the front line. We thanked them, testified about God, prayed for them and for their families. They were given fruits, sweets, hygiene items and New Testaments. We also donated four functional beds for the intensive care unit for the hospital. And also about 120 packages were distributed. One of the soldiers said, I believed there was a God at the front, because only God helped my friend. He received five wounds, bleeding, crawled 400 meters and survived.

Another said: God has already saved me, because although I was wounded, I survived, while others died.

Pray with us for the psycho-spiritual recovery of the soldiers who are returning from the front.

We continue to serve the refugees who attend our church every Sunday. They receive spiritual, psychological and material assistance. Pray for further ministry among them.

On Sunday, a family from Kherson arrived. They left because every day the city of Kherson is shelled hundreds of times and it is very dangerous for life. In the church, we helped them with food and clothes and also gave them spiritual literature.

- On December 25, Alla with young sisters in the church organized a meeting with the children of refugees and military personnel, there were 30 children, the topic of the meeting was "Emmanuel God with us." At the end of the meeting, the children received gifts and children's literature, and were treated to a sweet table. Together with them, we prayed to God for peace in Ukraine and thanked him that Jesus came to our earth.

- The sisters in the workshop sewed a sanitary stretcher for paramedics. In each stretcher we put the Gospel and the soldier's prayer book. We have already sent 30 medical burdens to the city of Bakhmut and the Luhansk region. We pray to God that many soldiers will be saved by paramedics and that God will save their souls.

Together with Grisha Keorescu, we sent parcels with food and spiritual literature to the military front.

I thank you all for your help spiritual, financial and material. Thank you for being with us during this difficult time for us. May God bless you! With love to you, the Popov family.

A day of thanksgiving to the Lord

Greetings to all those who are with us in these difficult days. With God's help, the church continues its activities, fulfilling the great commission of Christ.

-We had a day of thanksgiving to the Lord in our church for the gifts that He gave us this year. Despite the war, God helped us through many churches from abroad. This help included the participants and mission of PIE, for which we thank God and you for your humanitarian and spiritual assistance. Many refugees were with us on this Thanksgiving holiday. At the end of the program, the gifts brought to the House of God were distributed to them.

-We continue to have a ministry for refugees, every Sunday we are visited by about 20 migrants. They listen to the gospel and are motivated to respond to it.

-Every Sunday we have a special prayer of intercession. We pray by name for the soldiers who are fighting at the front, for the volunteers, the wounded, and also for those who are in captivity.

- Alla with a sewing team sewed 500 tactical pharmacies for soldiers and officers who are fighting. We put a New Testament and a soldier's prayer book in each first aid kit. We pray for everyone who receives the Gospel that God will protect life and grant them eternal life through faith and repentance before God.

Pray for our ministry in Ukraine, so that the church is built and the Kingdom of God expands. Also pray for wisdom in ministry among the refugees. Pray for the resources that God will send them so that we can continue to serve the people who need them in these difficult days for Ukraine.

-Thanks to sister Marta for the financial assistance she provided to our family. These funds were needed to dress the children in winter clothes. Thank you so much and may God bless you and all who help us. Thank you for being with us and supporting our ministry in every way.

With love to you, the Popov family.

Meeting with soldiers and their wives

Greetings to all PIE employees.

With the grace of God, we continue to work in His field. Thanks to all those who prayed for a meeting with the families of the soldiers who are fighting against the aggressor of Ukraine. At this meeting there were soldiers and officers from those who came on vacation, as well as those who protect the rear. The purpose of our meeting in the Novoselitsa church was to support these people morally, psychologically and spiritually. We shared the Word of God with them, prayed with them, distributed spiritual literature and special prayer books for the soldiers, and also blessed them with food packages. We received this humanitarian aid from Romanian Baptist churches through the association of regional Romanian churches ECB in the Chernivtsi region. 2 officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine spoke at this meeting, they emphasized the importance of such meetings and the work of spiritual and pastoral support for the military. Also had the word Novoselitsy's Head. She thanked the church for its active participation in helping refugees. Brother Grisha Kioresko shared the word and prayed.

After the meeting, one of the soldiers told us that such meetings should be organized more often in the large hall of the House of Culture in the city of Novoselytsia, so that many people from the region could attend because it spiritually and morally supports the people of Ukraine.

A soldier's wife told us that it is important for them to see that they are not left alone with the hardships they go through.

On the second day, the children of military personnel were invited to the church. Alla led this meeting with the children with the youth team. They heard the Word of God, sang and played, and at the end received gifts from the Samaritan's Bag mission. At this meeting there were also children of refugees together with their parents. Praise God for open doors for preaching at this difficult time for us. May the Lord be glorified and save many. Thank you for being with us in your prayers and financial support. The Lord bless you!

With love to you, the Popov family.

VBS camp in Novoselitsa

Greetings to all members of the PIE mission. By the great mercy of God, we still live and work in the church of the Lord. With the help of the Lord, we continue to work in the city of Novoselytsya for the glory of God at this difficult time for Ukraine. God allowed us to organize a Christian day camp at the church, 6 days the children came to hear the Word of God.

Spending time participating in worship, sports, needlework, bible lessons. There were 105 children in total. They were divided into 5 age groups. Each group has 2-3 leaders. The theme of the camp was "The Book without Words". The children were explained the gospel steps of approaching God, the need for a person to acquire salvation by faith and repentance before God.

My wife Alla was the coordinator and organizer of this camp. The team was made up of 13 leaders who served the children. On Saturday, on the 6th day, we invited the parents of these children. There they heard through the lips of their children songs, verses from the Bible, the main truths of the Bible and received instructions from the Word of God spoken through brother Kevin Krum from America Laportie. We thank the PIE mission for being able to serve these children together with others. Many of these children belonged to refugee families.

Their parents thanked us for the fact that joy replaced the fear of war. Every Sunday, refugees from the South-East of Ukraine, where hostilities are taking place, come to church with us. After the meeting, we serve them food bags. We also thank you for your participation in helping these people who temporarily found protection with us in Bukovina.

People are very open to accepting the Word of God. We, as a church, pray for them and for those who remained on the front line, so that God would protect their lives. Every Sunday we offer prayers by name for all those who fight in the Ukrainian army and for volunteers. We pray for the families who lost their loved ones during the war.

We pray for the wounded and their families so that God comforts them.

Join us in our prayers:

1. Pray for peace in Ukraine

2. For the conversion of many people in Ukraine to God

3. For the grace of the Gospel in the lives of believers

4. For strength in service

Thank you for your active participation in the ministry that we conduct in Ukraine, may God bless you.

With love to you, the Popov family.

Children heard the Gospel

The grace of Jesus Christ be with you all the days!

With God's help, with your support, we were able to do several types of ministry for the church and the Ukrainian people:

1. We continue to meet in the church 6 times a week, where we have different ministries - English club, youth ministry, evening service, home group, Sunday service, children's ministry. In all these meetings, we follow the goal of spreading the gospel to unbelievers, as well as edifying the church of Christ. During the week, many unbelieving people from refugees come to us.

2. We communicate with people who ask a lot of questions and receive biblical answers from us ministers. Pray for wisdom over us in these conversations.

3. Thanks to you, we can serve people with social food packages. About a hundred packages were distributed this week alone. Everyone also receives the Gospel or other Christian literature.

4. During the children's ministry, parents receive special instructions "How to come to God and have salvation through faith and repentance?" Children hear the gospel at their level, prepared by a team of ministers.

5. Together with my brother Grisha Kioresko, we were able to serve for the military from the city of Strii and Novoselitsa. The soldiers received body armor and humanitarian aid. They prayed over them and distributed the gospel. They asked for sleeping bags and medicines. We also sent food parcels to the soldiers at the front.

6. This week a group of doctors from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the USA came to visit us on the territory of the church. The church organized a reception for 120 people. Most of them are refugees. They were able to receive phase medical advice. People received not only medicines but also spiritual support in the form of prayer, conversations, and spiritual literature. They left us their contacts, and we can work with them further. Pray for the development of this relationship with them so that God will touch their hearts.

7. I thank everyone from the PIEI mission for organizing, donating and bringing humanitarian aid for the needs of the Ukrainian people. Gratitude to brother Timothy who accompanied this humanitarian convoy.

May God bless all the brothers and sisters who, at this difficult time for us, give in a special way. Keep praying for us that God will give strength, wisdom and His guidance in serving the people and his church.

With love to you, the Popov family.

English club

Peace to all of you!

Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to the power of God and His action, we in Novoselitsa continue to serve the church and our neighbor in the conditions of war.

1. Having united the human resource, gifts and talents, we continue to conduct various types of ministry both in the church and outside it. Especially for immigrants from Kyiv.

2. We hold many services in the church, on Wednesday there is an English club, the emphasis is on bringing visitors closer to God through the study of the Bible in English.

3. Youth service every Thursday. We study the Bible with an evangelistic character. Young people can hear about Christ the Savior.

4. We have services on Wednesdays and Sundays. These meetings, like others, are attended by many refugees. We are glad to serve them with the Word of God, and they also receive answers to exciting questions and inner feelings related to the war. We help them explain what is happening from the point of view of the Bible, directing them to God.

5. On Sunday afternoon we meet with children and their parents. Many of them are refugees. Every time about 25-30 children come, where they, together with their parents, can hear a Bible lesson, sing songs, learn Bible verses, play and enjoy the atmosphere, getting to know other children. At the end, the children go outside, and parents receive additional biblical instruction on how to draw closer to God themselves and help their children in this.

6. My brothers and I visited the military in Novoselitsa. We spoke the Word to them, prayed for them and for peace in Ukraine, sang songs and gave them humanitarian aid for their needs.

7. My family and I went to the market before Easter, where we distributed New Testaments, Christian booklets, as well as food and toys for children. We were glad that people took not only temporary things, but also the eternal Word.

One refugee woman said: “I have been looking for a New Testament for a very long time, can I take it and read it?” "What, is it really free?" asked others who wanted to receive the gospel. We praise God that we can sow the Word of God, which will bring comfort, encouragement and salvation in these days.

8. We rejoiced in the church when we learned that Zhenya, who was drafted into the army, repented a week later, and his wife turned to God a couple of days earlier, in our church, when they came to us from Kyiv. We thank God that He saves families in the conditions of war and we are witnesses to this. Zhenya was at home for one day, in the evening he came to church and we, the ministers, prayed for his faith and for returning home alive and healthy. Marina and Zhenya have a daughter, Milana, pray for this newly converted family to God.

9. Some brothers in our church are involved in the manufacture of body armor for the needs of soldiers. Along with this protection, we give them the New Testaments. We also pray for all the soldiers to return home safe and sound.

We thank God for your prayerful, financial and material support in these difficult times for Ukraine. Pray further for our diligence in the work of the Lord, and continue to support us with your ability and strength by participating with us in building the church and expanding the Kingdom of God. Pray with us for peace in Ukraine and for the reconciliation of the Ukrainian people with God.

With love to you, the Popov family!

Social aid

Peace to all of you. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve the church and neighbor at this difficult time for Ukraine.

I thank the Lord and you for being with us in prayers, thoughts and deeds. I express my special gratitude to all those who, through the PIE mission, participated in the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid for the needs of the Ukrainian people. People with different needs come to our church every day, thanks to the humanitarian aid that came to us through you, we can serve and make up for the shortcomings of refugees and those who need help.

Every Sunday many unbelievers come to our church, they can hear the gospel, get encouragement and we pray for their experiences. Also, our prayers are for the sons and fathers of those families who are fighting at the front, so that God protects and returns them home alive. The mothers of these sons thank us with tears in their eyes for these prayers.

Every Sunday afternoon, Alla and her children's team meet with refugee children. Their parents also come to these meetings. Some are listening to a Bible lesson with children, while others are conducting personal evangelism at this time. In this ministry, we are helped by the church from Kyiv, which has found temporary shelter with us.

After the Sunday morning meeting and after the children's service, all parents receive social packages, with the necessary products and things for hygiene. We also distributed mattresses, pillows, blankets to those who did not have them. Along with this, we give them the New Testaments. This is a very fruitful work to serve in expanding the kingdom of God and in supporting the church of Christ. The minister brothers and I set aside time for counseling, where we can communicate and pray with unbelievers and with all those who need spiritual, moral, psychological support.

This Saturday, a young couple from immigrants, Bogdan and Diana, got married in our church. Life goes on, families are born even during the war.

This week we helped one mother whose two sons were taken to the front. She does not have water in the house and we, as a church, helped her in this need. They also brought special shoes and food for her sons so that she could send them to the front.

Together with Grigory Kioresko, we sent two humanitarian aid beads to Kyiv for the needs of soldiers and people who are in the war zone.

Thank you all for staying with us. May God bless you all richly. Pray with us for peace in Ukraine and for the peace of people with God.

With love to you, the Popov family.

Stories of children

Peace to all of you!!

We continue to serve the Church and neighbors at this time for Ukraine.

We help refugees to move into apartments and houses of believing brothers and sisters.

Alla helps several teenagers overcome fear in the face of war. One boy named Vanya, who is 13 years old, has a fear when sirens sound at night. He stays home alone when his mom goes to work on the night shift. And he began to write that he was very scared ... we began to calm him down, we say that you need to trust God and pray to him. Also, our family prays for him and calls him to our home during the day ...

There is also a very amazing story about one girl, she is 14, her name is Stanislava.

Alla came to visit her home to talk to her parents... They changed their attitude towards believers and the Church and began to let Stanislava into the Church and her mother said: probably our meeting was not accidental...

Through brother Gregory Kioresco, we received humanitarian aid and distributed food, hygiene products, blankets, pillows, bed linen, sleeping bags, to settlers and soldiers.

We praise God for all those who donate in a special way at this time in order to share the lack with all those in need in Ukraine.

We also praise God for the opportunity to spread the Gospel together with the Church from Kyiv, who moved here in Novoselytsya because of the hostilities. We went with them to the market, where we sang Christian songs, preached the Gospel, and prayed with people for peace in Ukraine. We distributed the gospel and spiritual literature.

People listened, prayed, and accepted literature. We praise God for this opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Christ.

On Wednesday we organized a youth meeting where we invited young refugees who do not know the Lord and they were preached about Christ. Thank God that now a lot of people are open to hearing the Word of God.

For two Sundays in a row, the hall of the House of Prayer was overcrowded, there were a lot of refugees, both believers and non-believers, with us. We prayed for peace in Ukraine, consoled ourselves with the Word of God, talked, got to know each other. At the end of the meeting, we distributed social packages for the needs of each of them. They thanked God and us for the gifts received and the warm welcome in the Church. They took refuge in Noselitsa from Kharkov, Kyiv, Mariupol, Sumy, Luhansk, Chernigov.

After lunch, we organized a meeting with the children and their parents of the migrants. About 40 children and 30 parents came.

Alla held a Bible lesson for them on the theme of David and Goliath. The purpose of the lesson was that we humans have enemies, but we are also enemies of God because of our sins. Also, our young people, together with the Kiev youth, held songs, games, we prayed with the children. In the end, they were blessed with gifts from the Mission Bag of the Samaritan.

One mother from Sumy said: “We are very happy that our children began to smile because from the beginning of the war they were very sad and scared.”

Another story is about a boy named Matthew, he is 10 years old. He was at this children's meeting and listened very carefully to the story ... when he came home, he told mom and dad: “you need to repent on Easter before God, because every time you sin you move away from God ...”

Pray further for us and for the refugees, for the repentance of the Ukrainian people, for peace in Ukraine.

We praise God for the entire PIE team that you are with us in these difficult times.

With love, the Popov family!

Ministry for refugees

The peace of God in Christ be with all of you PIEI partners in the USA.

By the grace of God, we lived another day in Ukraine, some are no longer there where bombs were thrown and rockets were fired at their homes that night.

Pray further with us for peace in Ukraine.

We who live in Ukraine, God protects our land of Bukovina, where not a single rocket fell during the 14 days of the war, although the danger was and is and will be until the war ends.

Despite the fear, chaos, death and hopelessness that the war brought us, we, as the Church of Christ from Novoselytsya, stood in the gap before God in prayer for all people and their needs.

In our Church, people have opened houses for refugees, there are about 50 of them.

20 people out of these 50 left one Church in Kyiv and together with them we hold joint services.

We help with everything we can, with food, things, medicines, we also distribute spiritual literature, treatises, Gospels, Bibles to the unbelievers, we pray with them that God will turn Ukraine to Christ and stop the war.

We are also preparing other houses for those who seek asylum today.

There are children among the refugees and we provide them with their needs as far as possible. Alla gives special gifts to children from Mission Samaritan's Bag and also Christian literature for children.

Alla and I went to the village of Podvirnoye, a Ukrainian village, and to the village of Stalentsy, a Romanian village. There, Alla conducted Bible courses with children in peacetime and now they brought them gifts, we prayed with them, reassured them and instructed them to seek God from childhood.

We are very glad that God touches people's hearts at this time. One family from the Kiev refugees, were parishioners in the Kiev Church, they ended up with us along with those 20 believers.

They very often gather in our Church… and they had free communication around the word of God… then Shepherd Gela asked who had any evidence during these days.. they shared… then the Shepherd asked: well, what else are we going to do? And then one little boy named Timothy told him 4 years old:: let's repent!!! And everyone was surprised at his words, and my wife Alla remembered and said that the other day she had heard a verse written by one sister ... and there were such words: everyone prays but no one repents .... And after that, only one young woman Marina showed a desire to repent ... Shepherd Gela and deacon Alexei called me, that is, (Valera) and we prayed over her ... everyone was very happy and glorified God ... also my wife gave them tulips and all the women gave this Marina ... Glory God for the miracles that are happening in this difficult hour.

And this Marina asked for forgiveness from God for neglecting His call earlier when she was teaching according to the Bible and there was a question:: Do you want to dedicate yourself to God??? …and now she did it….

We are now in the House of Prayer meeting with all the Refugees who wish to worship God with us. The House of Prayer has become a home of refuge for many people from Ukraine.

Our family had very big worries about the sale of flowers on March 8 ... we did not know if we could sell, to whom these flowers would be needed, or even if there would be people before the flowers during the war ... But God is our merciful God.!!! But our whole Church and these refugees from Kyiv prayed very much for us and even helped to pack the flowers… Thank God we were able to sell the flowers and repay the debts that we had… it’s true that we had to give flowers cheaper, but the main thing is that we sold them and were able to repay the debt… of course left without earnings, but with a calm soul ...

Thanks for the financial help!!!

With this money, we were able to prepare other houses by installing water and heat in them and supplying them with energy in order for people living in the area to live ...

Paid for gas and electricity.

We bought Gasoline for Transport and medicines.

Thank you very much for being with us at this time and your hearts were opened to serve the Church and the needs of Ukrainians.

We still need your prayers and financial assistance to cover the needs of people..

Pray for us, because we are tired and we need your prayer support so that God will give strength to serve these people at this time.

With Love to you, the Popov family.