India - Independent Gospel Churches
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About PIEI - India:
PIEI-India is a multi-faceted ministry in the world’s largest democracy---planting churches in five states, educating students, and educating local children in a Christian day school, along with many other ministries.
To learn more and view pictures of these individual ministries, click each of the icons below.

Under the leadership of Rev. T. S. Sachai, Rev. Thakadiel Simon, Rev. K. J. Thomas, Rev. K. V. John and other faithful servants of Christ the church planting ministry began in 1972. In those early years of ministry, thousands of people heard the gospel and received Christ which was the beginning of the early church plants. After the death of Rev. Sachai, his son, Thakadiel Simon served as president. Under his leadership the evangelism and church planting focus expanded to include a Bible College and Seminary, and Children and Youth ministries.
During this time, Thakadiel Simon wanted financial accountability for the ministry. He searched mission boards in the United States and found Partners in Evangelism International. The ministry formed a national committee in India, a partnership committee in the United States and was accepted as a ministry under the leadership of PIEI in 1998.
The Lord called Thakadiel home to be with Him in 2003. After that time Thakadiel’s sons were voted into the leadership of the ministry. The ministry has continued to expand. More students have been added to the College and Seminary and many have been sent out to the mission field. In 2015 Rev. Shaju T. Simon was elected President.
At this time there are approximately 76 people involved in the ministry--pastors, professors, missionaries and support people working in the offices, maintenance and kitchens. It is a very large team effort.
India has 29 states and 7 union territories. There are different languages and different cultures in each state as well as many various tribal languages and many religions. Please partner with us in this ministry.
If you're interested in receiving the PIEI India newsletter, or if you would like more specific information about this particular ministry, please contact our chairman David Ryan,, or John & Vicki Drake,