Donate — PIEI

Stewardship begins with the understanding that everything we have is a gift from the Lord…our time, our talents, and our financial resources. Simply stated, Biblical stewardship means we understand God’s ownership of everything (1 Chr. 29:11-12), and joyfully desire to glorify the Lord through our tithes, gifts, and offerings (Prov. 3:91Cor. 16:1-2). May God be worshiped through our cheerful and sacrificial giving for the proclamation of His Name!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

Ways to Give

There are many different ways to worship the Lord through your donation to Partners In Evangelism. If you have any financial questions, please send an email to

  • Check — You can give by check by through the mail anytime (see address at bottom of page). Be sure to note what ministry your gift is meant for on the memo line of your check.

  • Cash — Cash gifts and offerings should only be given in person at the PIEI Office (please do not send cash through the mail) so that we can give you a receipt of your gift that can be used for your records.

  • Stocks/Bonds — We do accept donations in the form of Stocks and Bonds, and those wishing to do so should send an email to to begin the process.

  • Online Giving — Give online with a credit/debit card, or out of your checking or savings account. Setup and manage one-time and recurring gifts. You may also see a record of all your electronic giving for the year. Please note that there is a 3% charge (from the credit card companies) when using a credit card, and so we encourage use to use a checking or savings account so that the full donation will go to the missionaries. Donate Now.