Stories of children

Peace to all of you!!

We continue to serve the Church and neighbors at this time for Ukraine.

We help refugees to move into apartments and houses of believing brothers and sisters.

Alla helps several teenagers overcome fear in the face of war. One boy named Vanya, who is 13 years old, has a fear when sirens sound at night. He stays home alone when his mom goes to work on the night shift. And he began to write that he was very scared ... we began to calm him down, we say that you need to trust God and pray to him. Also, our family prays for him and calls him to our home during the day ...

There is also a very amazing story about one girl, she is 14, her name is Stanislava.

Alla came to visit her home to talk to her parents... They changed their attitude towards believers and the Church and began to let Stanislava into the Church and her mother said: probably our meeting was not accidental...

Through brother Gregory Kioresco, we received humanitarian aid and distributed food, hygiene products, blankets, pillows, bed linen, sleeping bags, to settlers and soldiers.

We praise God for all those who donate in a special way at this time in order to share the lack with all those in need in Ukraine.

We also praise God for the opportunity to spread the Gospel together with the Church from Kyiv, who moved here in Novoselytsya because of the hostilities. We went with them to the market, where we sang Christian songs, preached the Gospel, and prayed with people for peace in Ukraine. We distributed the gospel and spiritual literature.

People listened, prayed, and accepted literature. We praise God for this opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Christ.

On Wednesday we organized a youth meeting where we invited young refugees who do not know the Lord and they were preached about Christ. Thank God that now a lot of people are open to hearing the Word of God.

For two Sundays in a row, the hall of the House of Prayer was overcrowded, there were a lot of refugees, both believers and non-believers, with us. We prayed for peace in Ukraine, consoled ourselves with the Word of God, talked, got to know each other. At the end of the meeting, we distributed social packages for the needs of each of them. They thanked God and us for the gifts received and the warm welcome in the Church. They took refuge in Noselitsa from Kharkov, Kyiv, Mariupol, Sumy, Luhansk, Chernigov.

After lunch, we organized a meeting with the children and their parents of the migrants. About 40 children and 30 parents came.

Alla held a Bible lesson for them on the theme of David and Goliath. The purpose of the lesson was that we humans have enemies, but we are also enemies of God because of our sins. Also, our young people, together with the Kiev youth, held songs, games, we prayed with the children. In the end, they were blessed with gifts from the Mission Bag of the Samaritan.

One mother from Sumy said: “We are very happy that our children began to smile because from the beginning of the war they were very sad and scared.”

Another story is about a boy named Matthew, he is 10 years old. He was at this children's meeting and listened very carefully to the story ... when he came home, he told mom and dad: “you need to repent on Easter before God, because every time you sin you move away from God ...”

Pray further for us and for the refugees, for the repentance of the Ukrainian people, for peace in Ukraine.

We praise God for the entire PIE team that you are with us in these difficult times.

With love, the Popov family!