Ministry for refugees

The peace of God in Christ be with all of you PIEI partners in the USA.

By the grace of God, we lived another day in Ukraine, some are no longer there where bombs were thrown and rockets were fired at their homes that night.

Pray further with us for peace in Ukraine.

We who live in Ukraine, God protects our land of Bukovina, where not a single rocket fell during the 14 days of the war, although the danger was and is and will be until the war ends.

Despite the fear, chaos, death and hopelessness that the war brought us, we, as the Church of Christ from Novoselytsya, stood in the gap before God in prayer for all people and their needs.

In our Church, people have opened houses for refugees, there are about 50 of them.

20 people out of these 50 left one Church in Kyiv and together with them we hold joint services.

We help with everything we can, with food, things, medicines, we also distribute spiritual literature, treatises, Gospels, Bibles to the unbelievers, we pray with them that God will turn Ukraine to Christ and stop the war.

We are also preparing other houses for those who seek asylum today.

There are children among the refugees and we provide them with their needs as far as possible. Alla gives special gifts to children from Mission Samaritan's Bag and also Christian literature for children.

Alla and I went to the village of Podvirnoye, a Ukrainian village, and to the village of Stalentsy, a Romanian village. There, Alla conducted Bible courses with children in peacetime and now they brought them gifts, we prayed with them, reassured them and instructed them to seek God from childhood.

We are very glad that God touches people's hearts at this time. One family from the Kiev refugees, were parishioners in the Kiev Church, they ended up with us along with those 20 believers.

They very often gather in our Church… and they had free communication around the word of God… then Shepherd Gela asked who had any evidence during these days.. they shared… then the Shepherd asked: well, what else are we going to do? And then one little boy named Timothy told him 4 years old:: let's repent!!! And everyone was surprised at his words, and my wife Alla remembered and said that the other day she had heard a verse written by one sister ... and there were such words: everyone prays but no one repents .... And after that, only one young woman Marina showed a desire to repent ... Shepherd Gela and deacon Alexei called me, that is, (Valera) and we prayed over her ... everyone was very happy and glorified God ... also my wife gave them tulips and all the women gave this Marina ... Glory God for the miracles that are happening in this difficult hour.

And this Marina asked for forgiveness from God for neglecting His call earlier when she was teaching according to the Bible and there was a question:: Do you want to dedicate yourself to God??? …and now she did it….

We are now in the House of Prayer meeting with all the Refugees who wish to worship God with us. The House of Prayer has become a home of refuge for many people from Ukraine.

Our family had very big worries about the sale of flowers on March 8 ... we did not know if we could sell, to whom these flowers would be needed, or even if there would be people before the flowers during the war ... But God is our merciful God.!!! But our whole Church and these refugees from Kyiv prayed very much for us and even helped to pack the flowers… Thank God we were able to sell the flowers and repay the debts that we had… it’s true that we had to give flowers cheaper, but the main thing is that we sold them and were able to repay the debt… of course left without earnings, but with a calm soul ...

Thanks for the financial help!!!

With this money, we were able to prepare other houses by installing water and heat in them and supplying them with energy in order for people living in the area to live ...

Paid for gas and electricity.

We bought Gasoline for Transport and medicines.

Thank you very much for being with us at this time and your hearts were opened to serve the Church and the needs of Ukrainians.

We still need your prayers and financial assistance to cover the needs of people..

Pray for us, because we are tired and we need your prayer support so that God will give strength to serve these people at this time.

With Love to you, the Popov family.