Children meetings

I greet you with the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Through God's grace, we in Bukovina continue to serve the Lord and His people. By transmitting the Word of God, which enlightens every person who hears Him.

1. In the church on feast days we had listeners from the world. They could hear the Word about Christ that He became incarnate for the sake of saving people from future anger, sin, delusion. And also from the power of Satan. The young of our Church and the children had a program of glorification of the Lord God who sent the Savior into the world.

2. We also participated with the Church in supporting one sister from our Church. This sister developed gangrene in her leg and had to undergo 3 surgeries in the hospital. The Church raised funds for this sister Korina. Supported by her morally, spiritually and financially ... Korina has a daughter of 12 years old and she must raise her up.

3. There were meetings for children and teenagers on the Christmas theme... We listened to the Bible story, learned Bible verses, sang songs, talked... In total there were 22 children... We praise God for them!!!

4. My children Timothy, Eunice and Avigaea and I made several hundred packages with calendars and spiritual booklets. And they handed out these packages along the streets of Novoselitsi, handed them out to hundreds of houses. We pray to God to encourage people to read and know God through the Gospel. Also, our children handed out Christian calendars to their teachers at school.

-Pray for all our needs, both spiritual and material.

- Pray for my brother, his name is Anatoly, he fell ill very badly, so that God would give him healing and salvation, because he and his family did not reconcile with the Lord.

-Pray for the ministry with children and teenagers that my wife leads with other sisters in Novoselitsa and in the village of Podvirnoe and in the village of Stalnovtsy. May the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of these children for the salvation of their souls.

- Pray for one girl Stanislava, she is 14 years old, she was in our summer camp in Novoselitsa, we also brought her to evening programs in Boyany in the summer. my parents don't really want to let me go to the Church for the meeting ... my wife often communicates with her and pray for her .... to confirm her faith and help her go through this path to the end with God.

I thank God for you in my prayers, because you are partners for us in the edification and growth of the Church. May God fill your life with His varied grace.

With love Popov Family!!!!