Renewal evening

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ !!! Peace to you!!!

With God's help, we work in His field.

1. In the Church we organize meetings for teenagers and children. Most of the children come from unbelieving families. On December 25, Alla and the young people from our church are organizing a Christmas program for them.

2. I had three Evangelistic sermons at a funeral. Two were in the town of Novoselitsa and one in the village of Zhilovka. They buried my wife's grandmother. There were about 70 people, they could hear the word about Reconciliation with God.

We pray for them to make a decision about choosing Christ for their life as Savior.

3. My wife Alla and another sister from the village of Dinovtsi Tamara are working with children in the village of Stalintsi and the village of Podvirnoye. There are no ministers for children in these villages. And the village has a lot of children from unbelieving families and they really want to teach Bible lessons. There are also Bible lessons with children in Viber with some children.

We pray that local Churches will become more actively interested in promoting the gospel among children.

4. God gave me the grace to speak the Word of God on the topic of "Renewal" for the district Khotyn youth. About 200 young people could hear the Word of God about walking before God in a renewed life based on Romans 12: 1-3 verses.

We pray that the youth will make a decision in favor of Bible teaching as a path for their lives.

5. We also plan to distribute a lot of Christian literature to people at Christmas so that God speaks to them on these holidays.

We thank God for you that you support us in serving people in Bukovina and in the Church, for material and spiritual help. May the Lord reward you according to His great grace. Be Blessed !!!

Sincerely, the Popov family !!! 🤗🤗🤗