A regional meeting for all teachers and leaders


Greetings !!! Peace to you!!

With God's help, we continue to work in the Lord's ministry.

In the Church we continue to preach the Gospel, which is given for Salvation and illumination and transforming us into the Character of Christ.

1. Brother Michael and sister Margarita died from our Novoselitskaya Church; they were father and daughter. The Church and I participated in this funeral procession. More than ten non-believers could hear the Word of God, How can I prepare to meet God ...

2. A regional meeting for all teachers and leaders who serve children and adolescents was organized by the regional committee responsible for the ministry of children and adolescents. The topic of the meeting was “Constancy”. This meeting was attended by about 130 child workers. God allowed me to speak a word on the topic “Continuity in the ministry”… One brother after the sermon came up to me and said: “This word was for me, that's why I wanted to leave the ministry of children, but now I will continue…” Thank God!!! His word is Lively and effective !!!

3. Another service was organized in our church. This is teenage ministry. Alla with several young people from the church organized a program on the topic "Does God exist?" They sang songs, talked, got to know each other, there were 12 teenagers from 12 to 15 years old.

4. This Sunday, October 3, we organized a post-camp meeting for all the children who were in the camp, but of course not everyone came, but we are happy for everyone who was a dream. For the Teens, the topic was "Who is God, and for the children, the topic was" How can I share the joy of the Gospel with others. " It was a blessed time, Thank God for this time !!!

-Pray for all those who heard the word of God and that they would turn to Him with repentance in faith.

-Pray for the ministry for children and teenagers in Bukovina so that more children will attend the Church.

-Pray for all of us ministers that the work of the Lord may be successful both in the Church and outside it ..

-Thank you for supporting us prayerfully and financially. May God keep you all and bless you.

Respectfully, the Popov family ...