Baptism of the girl from a camp



Peace to you!! With God's help, we continue our service in the Novoselytsia Church, to the Lord and our neighbor.

1. Grace was given to me to minister one evening with a word in the Boyana camp of Candela. The theme of the sermon was Jesus - Living Water.

Our children Eunice and Timofey also rested in this camp, for this we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your Spiritual and material help for this camp.

Alla and I came every evening to the camp and brought three teenagers who wanted to be with us at the evening worship program, they were from non-believing families. We communicated and prayed with them ... Eleven teenagers rested from Novoselitsy, five of them from non-believing families.

Nine children of them came to the prayer of repentance, and our son Timofey is 10 years old.

Praise God for this work through His word that was sown throughout the week.

2. Our church took part in carrying out the baptism in the Church in the village of Marshintsy. One young sister Anna from our Church was baptized; she repented two years ago in the Boyana camp. We are very happy for her and thank God that Anna joined God's Church ...

3. At our Church, we organized a neighborhood meeting for teens from 12 to 15 years old. The topic of this meeting was "Prayer". Teenagers could learn a lot about prayer based on the heroes from the Bible who practiced prayer. They received a lot of practical advice on how to pray.

-Thank the Lord for this auspicious time, where we can teach others about spiritual disciplines, and you are partners with us in this matter.

Prayer requests:

-Pray for the children and teenagers who heard the word of God and turned to Him in a prayer of repentance.

-Pray for the affirmation of believers to follow Christ.

-Pray for us that God will open the doors to continue preaching the Gospel.

-Pray for one young girl Stanislava, who was in our camp and began to read the Bible and go to Church, but her parents began to hinder ...

May God bless you for your openness in partner ministry in Ukraine !!!

Yours faithfully, brother Valera Popov !!!