Children meeting in Podvirne village

Greetings to all who love the Lord. Many thanks for your prayers and financial support in these difficult days that we are going through in Ukraine.

- We continue to gather in the house of prayer every Sunday with the church, refugees who live in the city of Novoselytsia come to these meetings. Some of them have gone to other cities.

- We thank God together with the refugees for the humanitarian aid provided to us by the PIEI mission. This caused us to give even more glory to God because He does not forget about us.

-Together with Alla and the young team, we went to the village of Podvirne and met the children in the church there. Most of the children came from unbelieving families. Among them were children of refugees from Kherson. The children heard about how the Good Shepherd Jesus wants to save everyone from death and sin.

We turned off the light and it became cold in the building, but the children stayed until the end of the program, at the end of the meeting, the children were invited to come to them again.

- Together with Grisha Kioresko we visited the military hospital, met with the wounded soldiers, told them words of encouragement from the Gospel, prayed for them, distributed New Testaments and Christian brochures. They told their stories, one of them thanked God that he was alive after a mine exploded next to him and only a small fragment grazed his leg and injured him.

- Pray for peace in Ukraine and the reconciliation of many people with God. Pray for us that God's spirit will guide us and fill it with strength. Gratitude to you for showing us your love in deeds by helping in our service both spiritually and materially. With love to you, the Popov family!