Meeting with the children of the migrants

Greetings! With God's help, we serve the church and people in Novoselytsya. Every Sunday we meet in the church, where 15-20 migrants come. Together we pray for peace in Ukraine, we listen to the Word of God, which gives us comfort and hope in God.

At the end of the service, we bless the migrants with food packages. Among the refugees there are new people who have recently evacuated from the war zone.

In our house of prayer we had a meeting with the children of the migrants, as well as the children of the military. They could hear the story of Jesus how he died and rose again and how he can give eternal life and living hope.

Alla and the team served them. Parents thanked for the joy that their children received. There were 36 children. We also had a special meeting for migrants. They could listen to songs of hope, we prayed for them, they listened to the word of God. The listeners learned that life is not limited only on earth and you need to trust God and receive his eternal life.

At the end of the meeting, we gave them food bags and New Testaments.

We pray for all those who heard the Word of God that God would give them spiritual life.

We pray for peace in Ukraine, for wisdom and strength in the service of the church and people.

Thank you for participating in the ministry, supporting spiritually and materially. God bless you!

Sincerely, the Popov family.