Camps in Novoselitsa and Podvirnoe

Greetings to all partners of the PIEI mission.

With the help of God, we continue to serve people and the Church.

1. There were guests from England and Romania in the Novoselitskaya Church. Emil and Arnold from England served the Church, the settlers and the youth of the area and also the PIE missionaries. God has blessed these days in a special way.

2. A children's Christian camp was organized at the Church. 16 leaders worked during the week. My wife Alla taught the leaders and coordinated the camp. 135 children could hear the gospel. The children were taught how to survive in the wild, looking at Jesus... They went in for sports, participated in various games, learned songs and Bible verses, did crafts, prayed to God, and also learned spiritual truths: God keeps the promise, Jesus is the only sacrifice for sin, Jesus comes first.

On the last day, we met with children and parents, there were about 50 parents. The children showed what they had been learning for a week. Parents and children were grateful to the church.

The mother of two children said that her children learned a lot about God, and she wanted her daughters to sing Christian songs.

3. Also, in the Church of the village of Podvirnoe, Alla organized a children's camp. My team and I drove 60 kilometers every day so that about 55 children could hear a word about Christ and learn about spiritual truths that will help them cope with difficulties in life.

4. Thank you for your spiritual and material help.

Pray for all children and that God would save them.

May God bless you.

Sincerely, the Popov family.