Aid for military

Peace be upon you all who love the Lord and His Church!!

The Grace of God has taken us through 2022 and helped us enter the New Year. With the help of God and his resources that were sent to us and through you, we here in Ukraine can continue to serve in the church and people who are not yet saved.

- As brother Grisha Kioresku already noted, we were together in the Military Hospital, where we met with many wounded soldiers after returning from the front line. We thanked them, testified about God, prayed for them and for their families. They were given fruits, sweets, hygiene items and New Testaments. We also donated four functional beds for the intensive care unit for the hospital. And also about 120 packages were distributed. One of the soldiers said, I believed there was a God at the front, because only God helped my friend. He received five wounds, bleeding, crawled 400 meters and survived.

Another said: God has already saved me, because although I was wounded, I survived, while others died.

Pray with us for the psycho-spiritual recovery of the soldiers who are returning from the front.

We continue to serve the refugees who attend our church every Sunday. They receive spiritual, psychological and material assistance. Pray for further ministry among them.

On Sunday, a family from Kherson arrived. They left because every day the city of Kherson is shelled hundreds of times and it is very dangerous for life. In the church, we helped them with food and clothes and also gave them spiritual literature.

- On December 25, Alla with young sisters in the church organized a meeting with the children of refugees and military personnel, there were 30 children, the topic of the meeting was "Emmanuel God with us." At the end of the meeting, the children received gifts and children's literature, and were treated to a sweet table. Together with them, we prayed to God for peace in Ukraine and thanked him that Jesus came to our earth.

- The sisters in the workshop sewed a sanitary stretcher for paramedics. In each stretcher we put the Gospel and the soldier's prayer book. We have already sent 30 medical burdens to the city of Bakhmut and the Luhansk region. We pray to God that many soldiers will be saved by paramedics and that God will save their souls.

Together with Grisha Keorescu, we sent parcels with food and spiritual literature to the military front.

I thank you all for your help spiritual, financial and material. Thank you for being with us during this difficult time for us. May God bless you! With love to you, the Popov family.