A day of thanksgiving to the Lord

Greetings to all those who are with us in these difficult days. With God's help, the church continues its activities, fulfilling the great commission of Christ.

-We had a day of thanksgiving to the Lord in our church for the gifts that He gave us this year. Despite the war, God helped us through many churches from abroad. This help included the participants and mission of PIE, for which we thank God and you for your humanitarian and spiritual assistance. Many refugees were with us on this Thanksgiving holiday. At the end of the program, the gifts brought to the House of God were distributed to them.

-We continue to have a ministry for refugees, every Sunday we are visited by about 20 migrants. They listen to the gospel and are motivated to respond to it.

-Every Sunday we have a special prayer of intercession. We pray by name for the soldiers who are fighting at the front, for the volunteers, the wounded, and also for those who are in captivity.

- Alla with a sewing team sewed 500 tactical pharmacies for soldiers and officers who are fighting. We put a New Testament and a soldier's prayer book in each first aid kit. We pray for everyone who receives the Gospel that God will protect life and grant them eternal life through faith and repentance before God.

Pray for our ministry in Ukraine, so that the church is built and the Kingdom of God expands. Also pray for wisdom in ministry among the refugees. Pray for the resources that God will send them so that we can continue to serve the people who need them in these difficult days for Ukraine.

-Thanks to sister Marta for the financial assistance she provided to our family. These funds were needed to dress the children in winter clothes. Thank you so much and may God bless you and all who help us. Thank you for being with us and supporting our ministry in every way.

With love to you, the Popov family.