Meeting with soldiers and their wives

Greetings to all PIE employees.

With the grace of God, we continue to work in His field. Thanks to all those who prayed for a meeting with the families of the soldiers who are fighting against the aggressor of Ukraine. At this meeting there were soldiers and officers from those who came on vacation, as well as those who protect the rear. The purpose of our meeting in the Novoselitsa church was to support these people morally, psychologically and spiritually. We shared the Word of God with them, prayed with them, distributed spiritual literature and special prayer books for the soldiers, and also blessed them with food packages. We received this humanitarian aid from Romanian Baptist churches through the association of regional Romanian churches ECB in the Chernivtsi region. 2 officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine spoke at this meeting, they emphasized the importance of such meetings and the work of spiritual and pastoral support for the military. Also had the word Novoselitsy's Head. She thanked the church for its active participation in helping refugees. Brother Grisha Kioresko shared the word and prayed.

After the meeting, one of the soldiers told us that such meetings should be organized more often in the large hall of the House of Culture in the city of Novoselytsia, so that many people from the region could attend because it spiritually and morally supports the people of Ukraine.

A soldier's wife told us that it is important for them to see that they are not left alone with the hardships they go through.

On the second day, the children of military personnel were invited to the church. Alla led this meeting with the children with the youth team. They heard the Word of God, sang and played, and at the end received gifts from the Samaritan's Bag mission. At this meeting there were also children of refugees together with their parents. Praise God for open doors for preaching at this difficult time for us. May the Lord be glorified and save many. Thank you for being with us in your prayers and financial support. The Lord bless you!

With love to you, the Popov family.