VBS camp in Novoselitsa

Greetings to all members of the PIE mission. By the great mercy of God, we still live and work in the church of the Lord. With the help of the Lord, we continue to work in the city of Novoselytsya for the glory of God at this difficult time for Ukraine. God allowed us to organize a Christian day camp at the church, 6 days the children came to hear the Word of God.

Spending time participating in worship, sports, needlework, bible lessons. There were 105 children in total. They were divided into 5 age groups. Each group has 2-3 leaders. The theme of the camp was "The Book without Words". The children were explained the gospel steps of approaching God, the need for a person to acquire salvation by faith and repentance before God.

My wife Alla was the coordinator and organizer of this camp. The team was made up of 13 leaders who served the children. On Saturday, on the 6th day, we invited the parents of these children. There they heard through the lips of their children songs, verses from the Bible, the main truths of the Bible and received instructions from the Word of God spoken through brother Kevin Krum from America Laportie. We thank the PIE mission for being able to serve these children together with others. Many of these children belonged to refugee families.

Their parents thanked us for the fact that joy replaced the fear of war. Every Sunday, refugees from the South-East of Ukraine, where hostilities are taking place, come to church with us. After the meeting, we serve them food bags. We also thank you for your participation in helping these people who temporarily found protection with us in Bukovina.

People are very open to accepting the Word of God. We, as a church, pray for them and for those who remained on the front line, so that God would protect their lives. Every Sunday we offer prayers by name for all those who fight in the Ukrainian army and for volunteers. We pray for the families who lost their loved ones during the war.

We pray for the wounded and their families so that God comforts them.

Join us in our prayers:

1. Pray for peace in Ukraine

2. For the conversion of many people in Ukraine to God

3. For the grace of the Gospel in the lives of believers

4. For strength in service

Thank you for your active participation in the ministry that we conduct in Ukraine, may God bless you.

With love to you, the Popov family.