Children heard the Gospel

The grace of Jesus Christ be with you all the days!

With God's help, with your support, we were able to do several types of ministry for the church and the Ukrainian people:

1. We continue to meet in the church 6 times a week, where we have different ministries - English club, youth ministry, evening service, home group, Sunday service, children's ministry. In all these meetings, we follow the goal of spreading the gospel to unbelievers, as well as edifying the church of Christ. During the week, many unbelieving people from refugees come to us.

2. We communicate with people who ask a lot of questions and receive biblical answers from us ministers. Pray for wisdom over us in these conversations.

3. Thanks to you, we can serve people with social food packages. About a hundred packages were distributed this week alone. Everyone also receives the Gospel or other Christian literature.

4. During the children's ministry, parents receive special instructions "How to come to God and have salvation through faith and repentance?" Children hear the gospel at their level, prepared by a team of ministers.

5. Together with my brother Grisha Kioresko, we were able to serve for the military from the city of Strii and Novoselitsa. The soldiers received body armor and humanitarian aid. They prayed over them and distributed the gospel. They asked for sleeping bags and medicines. We also sent food parcels to the soldiers at the front.

6. This week a group of doctors from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the USA came to visit us on the territory of the church. The church organized a reception for 120 people. Most of them are refugees. They were able to receive phase medical advice. People received not only medicines but also spiritual support in the form of prayer, conversations, and spiritual literature. They left us their contacts, and we can work with them further. Pray for the development of this relationship with them so that God will touch their hearts.

7. I thank everyone from the PIEI mission for organizing, donating and bringing humanitarian aid for the needs of the Ukrainian people. Gratitude to brother Timothy who accompanied this humanitarian convoy.

May God bless all the brothers and sisters who, at this difficult time for us, give in a special way. Keep praying for us that God will give strength, wisdom and His guidance in serving the people and his church.

With love to you, the Popov family.