English club

Peace to all of you!

Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to the power of God and His action, we in Novoselitsa continue to serve the church and our neighbor in the conditions of war.

1. Having united the human resource, gifts and talents, we continue to conduct various types of ministry both in the church and outside it. Especially for immigrants from Kyiv.

2. We hold many services in the church, on Wednesday there is an English club, the emphasis is on bringing visitors closer to God through the study of the Bible in English.

3. Youth service every Thursday. We study the Bible with an evangelistic character. Young people can hear about Christ the Savior.

4. We have services on Wednesdays and Sundays. These meetings, like others, are attended by many refugees. We are glad to serve them with the Word of God, and they also receive answers to exciting questions and inner feelings related to the war. We help them explain what is happening from the point of view of the Bible, directing them to God.

5. On Sunday afternoon we meet with children and their parents. Many of them are refugees. Every time about 25-30 children come, where they, together with their parents, can hear a Bible lesson, sing songs, learn Bible verses, play and enjoy the atmosphere, getting to know other children. At the end, the children go outside, and parents receive additional biblical instruction on how to draw closer to God themselves and help their children in this.

6. My brothers and I visited the military in Novoselitsa. We spoke the Word to them, prayed for them and for peace in Ukraine, sang songs and gave them humanitarian aid for their needs.

7. My family and I went to the market before Easter, where we distributed New Testaments, Christian booklets, as well as food and toys for children. We were glad that people took not only temporary things, but also the eternal Word.

One refugee woman said: “I have been looking for a New Testament for a very long time, can I take it and read it?” "What, is it really free?" asked others who wanted to receive the gospel. We praise God that we can sow the Word of God, which will bring comfort, encouragement and salvation in these days.

8. We rejoiced in the church when we learned that Zhenya, who was drafted into the army, repented a week later, and his wife turned to God a couple of days earlier, in our church, when they came to us from Kyiv. We thank God that He saves families in the conditions of war and we are witnesses to this. Zhenya was at home for one day, in the evening he came to church and we, the ministers, prayed for his faith and for returning home alive and healthy. Marina and Zhenya have a daughter, Milana, pray for this newly converted family to God.

9. Some brothers in our church are involved in the manufacture of body armor for the needs of soldiers. Along with this protection, we give them the New Testaments. We also pray for all the soldiers to return home safe and sound.

We thank God for your prayerful, financial and material support in these difficult times for Ukraine. Pray further for our diligence in the work of the Lord, and continue to support us with your ability and strength by participating with us in building the church and expanding the Kingdom of God. Pray with us for peace in Ukraine and for the reconciliation of the Ukrainian people with God.

With love to you, the Popov family!