Children meetings

I greet you with the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Through God's grace, we in Bukovina continue to serve the Lord and His people. By transmitting the Word of God, which enlightens every person who hears Him.

1. In the church on feast days we had listeners from the world. They could hear the Word about Christ that He became incarnate for the sake of saving people from future anger, sin, delusion. And also from the power of Satan. The young of our Church and the children had a program of glorification of the Lord God who sent the Savior into the world.

2. We also participated with the Church in supporting one sister from our Church. This sister developed gangrene in her leg and had to undergo 3 surgeries in the hospital. The Church raised funds for this sister Korina. Supported by her morally, spiritually and financially ... Korina has a daughter of 12 years old and she must raise her up.

3. There were meetings for children and teenagers on the Christmas theme... We listened to the Bible story, learned Bible verses, sang songs, talked... In total there were 22 children... We praise God for them!!!

4. My children Timothy, Eunice and Avigaea and I made several hundred packages with calendars and spiritual booklets. And they handed out these packages along the streets of Novoselitsi, handed them out to hundreds of houses. We pray to God to encourage people to read and know God through the Gospel. Also, our children handed out Christian calendars to their teachers at school.

-Pray for all our needs, both spiritual and material.

- Pray for my brother, his name is Anatoly, he fell ill very badly, so that God would give him healing and salvation, because he and his family did not reconcile with the Lord.

-Pray for the ministry with children and teenagers that my wife leads with other sisters in Novoselitsa and in the village of Podvirnoe and in the village of Stalnovtsy. May the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of these children for the salvation of their souls.

- Pray for one girl Stanislava, she is 14 years old, she was in our summer camp in Novoselitsa, we also brought her to evening programs in Boyany in the summer. my parents don't really want to let me go to the Church for the meeting ... my wife often communicates with her and pray for her .... to confirm her faith and help her go through this path to the end with God.

I thank God for you in my prayers, because you are partners for us in the edification and growth of the Church. May God fill your life with His varied grace.

With love Popov Family!!!!

Renewal evening

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ !!! Peace to you!!!

With God's help, we work in His field.

1. In the Church we organize meetings for teenagers and children. Most of the children come from unbelieving families. On December 25, Alla and the young people from our church are organizing a Christmas program for them.

2. I had three Evangelistic sermons at a funeral. Two were in the town of Novoselitsa and one in the village of Zhilovka. They buried my wife's grandmother. There were about 70 people, they could hear the word about Reconciliation with God.

We pray for them to make a decision about choosing Christ for their life as Savior.

3. My wife Alla and another sister from the village of Dinovtsi Tamara are working with children in the village of Stalintsi and the village of Podvirnoye. There are no ministers for children in these villages. And the village has a lot of children from unbelieving families and they really want to teach Bible lessons. There are also Bible lessons with children in Viber with some children.

We pray that local Churches will become more actively interested in promoting the gospel among children.

4. God gave me the grace to speak the Word of God on the topic of "Renewal" for the district Khotyn youth. About 200 young people could hear the Word of God about walking before God in a renewed life based on Romans 12: 1-3 verses.

We pray that the youth will make a decision in favor of Bible teaching as a path for their lives.

5. We also plan to distribute a lot of Christian literature to people at Christmas so that God speaks to them on these holidays.

We thank God for you that you support us in serving people in Bukovina and in the Church, for material and spiritual help. May the Lord reward you according to His great grace. Be Blessed !!!

Sincerely, the Popov family !!! 🤗🤗🤗

A regional meeting for all teachers and leaders


Greetings !!! Peace to you!!

With God's help, we continue to work in the Lord's ministry.

In the Church we continue to preach the Gospel, which is given for Salvation and illumination and transforming us into the Character of Christ.

1. Brother Michael and sister Margarita died from our Novoselitskaya Church; they were father and daughter. The Church and I participated in this funeral procession. More than ten non-believers could hear the Word of God, How can I prepare to meet God ...

2. A regional meeting for all teachers and leaders who serve children and adolescents was organized by the regional committee responsible for the ministry of children and adolescents. The topic of the meeting was “Constancy”. This meeting was attended by about 130 child workers. God allowed me to speak a word on the topic “Continuity in the ministry”… One brother after the sermon came up to me and said: “This word was for me, that's why I wanted to leave the ministry of children, but now I will continue…” Thank God!!! His word is Lively and effective !!!

3. Another service was organized in our church. This is teenage ministry. Alla with several young people from the church organized a program on the topic "Does God exist?" They sang songs, talked, got to know each other, there were 12 teenagers from 12 to 15 years old.

4. This Sunday, October 3, we organized a post-camp meeting for all the children who were in the camp, but of course not everyone came, but we are happy for everyone who was a dream. For the Teens, the topic was "Who is God, and for the children, the topic was" How can I share the joy of the Gospel with others. " It was a blessed time, Thank God for this time !!!

-Pray for all those who heard the word of God and that they would turn to Him with repentance in faith.

-Pray for the ministry for children and teenagers in Bukovina so that more children will attend the Church.

-Pray for all of us ministers that the work of the Lord may be successful both in the Church and outside it ..

-Thank you for supporting us prayerfully and financially. May God keep you all and bless you.

Respectfully, the Popov family ...

Baptism of the girl from a camp



Peace to you!! With God's help, we continue our service in the Novoselytsia Church, to the Lord and our neighbor.

1. Grace was given to me to minister one evening with a word in the Boyana camp of Candela. The theme of the sermon was Jesus - Living Water.

Our children Eunice and Timofey also rested in this camp, for this we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your Spiritual and material help for this camp.

Alla and I came every evening to the camp and brought three teenagers who wanted to be with us at the evening worship program, they were from non-believing families. We communicated and prayed with them ... Eleven teenagers rested from Novoselitsy, five of them from non-believing families.

Nine children of them came to the prayer of repentance, and our son Timofey is 10 years old.

Praise God for this work through His word that was sown throughout the week.

2. Our church took part in carrying out the baptism in the Church in the village of Marshintsy. One young sister Anna from our Church was baptized; she repented two years ago in the Boyana camp. We are very happy for her and thank God that Anna joined God's Church ...

3. At our Church, we organized a neighborhood meeting for teens from 12 to 15 years old. The topic of this meeting was "Prayer". Teenagers could learn a lot about prayer based on the heroes from the Bible who practiced prayer. They received a lot of practical advice on how to pray.

-Thank the Lord for this auspicious time, where we can teach others about spiritual disciplines, and you are partners with us in this matter.

Prayer requests:

-Pray for the children and teenagers who heard the word of God and turned to Him in a prayer of repentance.

-Pray for the affirmation of believers to follow Christ.

-Pray for us that God will open the doors to continue preaching the Gospel.

-Pray for one young girl Stanislava, who was in our camp and began to read the Bible and go to Church, but her parents began to hinder ...

May God bless you for your openness in partner ministry in Ukraine !!!

Yours faithfully, brother Valera Popov !!!

Children's camp


I greet you with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ !!!

From 12 to 17 July, a day camp for children and adolescents was held in our Church. By God's help, my wife Alla was the camp coordinator. A team of young people worked to sow the Word of God in the hearts of children. The children talked, sang Christian songs, listened to Bible lessons, learned Bible verses, played different sports games, and every day we treated them to food and various sweets ...


We organized one evening for teenagers ... one guy Oleg was a sports instructor .. he had a testimony about his family, how they came to God ...

The children were happy to be with us for these six days ... the parents of these children were very surprised that the children were very interested in going to camp every day ... and asked: what did you interest our children in because they like everything with you.


We surprised children and parents with the love of God. On the sixth day, we invited the parents to hear and see what the children learned during these days of the camp ...

I also had a word for parents and an instruction so that they continue to teach children in the Word of God ... In the end, we handed out prizes and Christian literature to children ... In total, there were 90 children in the camp. Thank God for them !!! Pray for all children and their families, that God will work in their hearts and in their lives, that they will be saved ...

We praise God for the fact that He protected and blessed and gave strength to conduct this camp on such hot days, He was our Guide. Thank you for your prayer and material support…. May God be with you and may always bless you !!!

With love to you, the Popov family ...

Regional children's meeting


I greet you with the love of the Lord Jesus !!!

We are glad that we can still work together with you in the Church of the Lord and in the expansion of His Kingdom on earth.


1. With God's help, Ruth graduated from Med College. We are happy and thank God for her ...

2. God gave His Grace and I was able to speak the Word at two funerals. In Hertz where brother Sasha Pastushak serves and in the village of Marshintsy. Many people who were not converted to God were listening.

3. Our church took part in social service for single mothers and widows gave them food packages, these packages were given by Brother Grisha Kiorescu. Mothers gave thanks for these products that we gave in the Name of Jesus Christ.

4. We had a regional children's meeting in the Church on the theme "God hears prayers." My wife Alla with the youth of our Church and ministers from Chernivtsi for children's ministry organized and held this meeting. The children learned from the pages of the Bible how God answers the prayers of people. We also treated the children to delicious food, handed out prizes, and played different games. Children from 10 Churches attended. There were 70 children and 14 teachers from the district ... We praise God for the servants and teachers. Who organized the arrival of these children to this meeting, where God told them a lot .. let the sown increase.

5. We are preparing for a day camp with children and adolescents. The camp will start from 12 to 17 July.

Pray for all the children who have heard the Word and will still hear that God will grow the seed of His Word in their hearts.

Thank you for being with us in this ministry, worry and pray and help us.

May God reward your sacrifice.

With love to you, the Popov family🤗🤗🤗

Evangelization on the market square


Peace and grace of the Lord Jesus be with you !!!

Thanks to God's mercy, we were able to serve in the Church and our neighbors.

1. In the Church, we organized a special Easter meeting for children, they could hear the true story of Jesus' death and His Resurrection.

2. During the pre-Easter week, with the young people from the Church "House of Peace" of Pastor Gregory Pastushak, we were able to go out to the market square, where we sang about Christ crucified and risen. We spoke the word of God to people, handed out about 800 brochures, New Testaments, Christian magazines. People listened to the literature attentively. We pray for them that the word sown will bring good fruit in their life.


3. This week, Alla, along with three teachers, could be at school and teach Bible lessons in four grades, ages from 7 to 10 years. At the end, gifts and Christian literature were given to the children. The children were very attentive in the lesson, they asked many questions ... We thank God and ask Him to work in the lives of these children to save their souls ...


We also have a lot of neighboring children playing in our yard with our children, and one day before Easter, Alla gathered these children, told them the good news of salvation, and at the end they received gifts. The children were happy and joyful and listened very willingly to the Bible story ... but on the second day their parents did not allow them to listen to the story, they only played with our children, but with fear ... we pray for these children and their parents


Pray for all those who have heard the gospel that God will lead them to Jesus.

Pray for our family to continue working for the Glory of God.

We thank the Lord for your support, both spiritual and material.

May the Lord be with you in all your affairs. We pray for you.

The Popov family.

Post-camp meeting


We greet you!!! By the Grace of God, we continue to serve in the Church of Christ in Novoselitsy.

1. Our Church continues to work with children and adolescents.

Alla leads these meetings, the youth from the church helps her in this ministry.

2. Last Sunday, in our Church, a special youth ministry was organized for all those who were in the Christian camp of Candela in Boyany. There were about 70 of us. Brother Pavel Petihachny had a sermon for the young, and our son Zhenya, the husband of our daughter Naomi, chaired this meeting. Naomi, Ruth, Andrew and Arkady were worshiping in songs. We talked and remembered everything that we learned in the Candela camp.

We watched the photo and video made by brother Alex Pastushak.


All the organizational work of this meeting was taken over by the Novoselitskaya Church. By the Grace of God, this meeting took place.

All the leaders who served in the camp were invited.


All those present had a desire to be in the Christian camp again this year if God pleases. We pray for this.

The topic of this meeting was "What am I really?"

Thank you for donating for the ministry of young people and teenagers of Ukraine for many years in a row. May the Lord reward your generosity.

Pray for all our youth and children, so that they will come to know the Lord from their youth and remain faithful to Him.

Best regards, the Popov family!

Bible lesson at school


Greetings to you all, peace to you.

With God's help and by His great mercy, this year we have the grace to serve the church and beyond.

1. This month we had a meeting for children, among them there were those who grow up in unbelieving families, a mother with her two sons was also present at the lesson. She really liked how the meeting for the children went. She also sang songs with the children, learned a verse from the Bible, and rejoiced with her children.


2. The other day there was a funeral of one brother who repented 12 years ago. For the last 4 years he was in bed with a patient. Unbelieving parents courted him. the church and I often visited their home where we held small meetings. Since he did not see, his mother read him the Bible. He prayed for his parents to repent too. We continue to pray for the bottom because they heard the Word of God more than once and their son showed them a good example of the Christian life. Many of the relatives at this funeral also heard the Good News. We also pray for them that the Lord would have mercy on them and give them repentance.


3. God opened the doors to the Gospel in one of the schools and kindergarten. Allah, together with a group of teachers, were able to teach a Bible lesson for 2 days in 8th grade. The children were from grades 1-4, they listened attentively and actively answered questions. One of the children said that Jesus was a magician because he worked miracles, of course we corrected them by telling them the truth from the Gospel. The school principal and teachers, parents thanked for the words they heard, Christian literature and gifts that the children received. The teachers also received calendars, children's Bibles, New Testaments.

We also visited a kindergarten with the same program where there were 56 children in 6 groups. They heard the Good News about Jesus Christ at their level. Teachers, educators and nannies received calendars, children's Bibles and the New Testament as a gift. Brother Andrey Petihachny together with me served as transport, carried gifts, and handed out spiritual literature for children.

Pray further for all those who these days have heard the Word of God, both children and adults, to come to the knowledge of God.

Thank you for being with us, supporting our work, spiritually and materially. May God reward you for your sacrifice to us to spread the Gospel and build up the church.

With love to you, the Popov family!

Gospel for children


May the grace of the Lord accompany you this year !!!

1. With God's help, during the Christmas holidays, the Church and I actively disseminated the Gospel. We created more than 2 hundred calendars with Bible verses and 800 pieces of spiritual brochures. Also 450 pieces of Christian newspapers. We visited about 500 houses where all this literature was distributed. We pray for all those who received this literature.

2. Several meetings were organized in the church for young people and teenagers. Young believers and non-believers were invited. Together we glorified God and received knowledge from the Word of God on the themes of Christmas and Prayer.

3. I wrote to you earlier that we are planning to go to one of the three schools in the city with Bible lessons for grades 1 through 4. One of these days we want to do this, we pray that God will leave the doors open for robots with children and preaching the Gospel to them.

4. Together with Alla we had several meetings with families from the Church. We communicated and shared with them about Christian principles in the family.

5. We help our parents who are ill and need physical care.

We pray for them and for spiritual health.

6.Our children learned lessons online at home, Alla devoted a lot of time to children with lessons. Now the children went to school. Ruth is studying at MedCollege 4 course. The smallest Abigayel prepares with her mother at home to go to first grade.

7.A prayer group of sisters was organized in the church. They meet at the House of Prayer. Pray for the needs of each member of the church ... for the different types of ministry that the church has and which is planned, for the unsaved, for the parishioners, for those who are sick ...

Prayer requests:

- Pray for the ministry in the school ...

- for children and teenagers and youth ministry in the Church, so that more children, young people, teenagers from unbelieving families are involved.

- Pray for our parents who are sick ...

- Pray for the ministry that God gives us, so that the Lord will always cooperate in everything for His Glory.


- Thank you for the spiritual and material support that we receive from you as God's Blessing.

- Thank you for the Christmas greetings from the Stef family.

We pray for you and love you.

With love to you, the Popov family.