Bible lesson at school


Greetings to you all, peace to you.

With God's help and by His great mercy, this year we have the grace to serve the church and beyond.

1. This month we had a meeting for children, among them there were those who grow up in unbelieving families, a mother with her two sons was also present at the lesson. She really liked how the meeting for the children went. She also sang songs with the children, learned a verse from the Bible, and rejoiced with her children.


2. The other day there was a funeral of one brother who repented 12 years ago. For the last 4 years he was in bed with a patient. Unbelieving parents courted him. the church and I often visited their home where we held small meetings. Since he did not see, his mother read him the Bible. He prayed for his parents to repent too. We continue to pray for the bottom because they heard the Word of God more than once and their son showed them a good example of the Christian life. Many of the relatives at this funeral also heard the Good News. We also pray for them that the Lord would have mercy on them and give them repentance.


3. God opened the doors to the Gospel in one of the schools and kindergarten. Allah, together with a group of teachers, were able to teach a Bible lesson for 2 days in 8th grade. The children were from grades 1-4, they listened attentively and actively answered questions. One of the children said that Jesus was a magician because he worked miracles, of course we corrected them by telling them the truth from the Gospel. The school principal and teachers, parents thanked for the words they heard, Christian literature and gifts that the children received. The teachers also received calendars, children's Bibles, New Testaments.

We also visited a kindergarten with the same program where there were 56 children in 6 groups. They heard the Good News about Jesus Christ at their level. Teachers, educators and nannies received calendars, children's Bibles and the New Testament as a gift. Brother Andrey Petihachny together with me served as transport, carried gifts, and handed out spiritual literature for children.

Pray further for all those who these days have heard the Word of God, both children and adults, to come to the knowledge of God.

Thank you for being with us, supporting our work, spiritually and materially. May God reward you for your sacrifice to us to spread the Gospel and build up the church.

With love to you, the Popov family!