Post-camp meeting


We greet you!!! By the Grace of God, we continue to serve in the Church of Christ in Novoselitsy.

1. Our Church continues to work with children and adolescents.

Alla leads these meetings, the youth from the church helps her in this ministry.

2. Last Sunday, in our Church, a special youth ministry was organized for all those who were in the Christian camp of Candela in Boyany. There were about 70 of us. Brother Pavel Petihachny had a sermon for the young, and our son Zhenya, the husband of our daughter Naomi, chaired this meeting. Naomi, Ruth, Andrew and Arkady were worshiping in songs. We talked and remembered everything that we learned in the Candela camp.

We watched the photo and video made by brother Alex Pastushak.


All the organizational work of this meeting was taken over by the Novoselitskaya Church. By the Grace of God, this meeting took place.

All the leaders who served in the camp were invited.


All those present had a desire to be in the Christian camp again this year if God pleases. We pray for this.

The topic of this meeting was "What am I really?"

Thank you for donating for the ministry of young people and teenagers of Ukraine for many years in a row. May the Lord reward your generosity.

Pray for all our youth and children, so that they will come to know the Lord from their youth and remain faithful to Him.

Best regards, the Popov family!