Evangelization on the market square


Peace and grace of the Lord Jesus be with you !!!

Thanks to God's mercy, we were able to serve in the Church and our neighbors.

1. In the Church, we organized a special Easter meeting for children, they could hear the true story of Jesus' death and His Resurrection.

2. During the pre-Easter week, with the young people from the Church "House of Peace" of Pastor Gregory Pastushak, we were able to go out to the market square, where we sang about Christ crucified and risen. We spoke the word of God to people, handed out about 800 brochures, New Testaments, Christian magazines. People listened to the literature attentively. We pray for them that the word sown will bring good fruit in their life.


3. This week, Alla, along with three teachers, could be at school and teach Bible lessons in four grades, ages from 7 to 10 years. At the end, gifts and Christian literature were given to the children. The children were very attentive in the lesson, they asked many questions ... We thank God and ask Him to work in the lives of these children to save their souls ...


We also have a lot of neighboring children playing in our yard with our children, and one day before Easter, Alla gathered these children, told them the good news of salvation, and at the end they received gifts. The children were happy and joyful and listened very willingly to the Bible story ... but on the second day their parents did not allow them to listen to the story, they only played with our children, but with fear ... we pray for these children and their parents


Pray for all those who have heard the gospel that God will lead them to Jesus.

Pray for our family to continue working for the Glory of God.

We thank the Lord for your support, both spiritual and material.

May the Lord be with you in all your affairs. We pray for you.

The Popov family.