Regional children's meeting


I greet you with the love of the Lord Jesus !!!

We are glad that we can still work together with you in the Church of the Lord and in the expansion of His Kingdom on earth.


1. With God's help, Ruth graduated from Med College. We are happy and thank God for her ...

2. God gave His Grace and I was able to speak the Word at two funerals. In Hertz where brother Sasha Pastushak serves and in the village of Marshintsy. Many people who were not converted to God were listening.

3. Our church took part in social service for single mothers and widows gave them food packages, these packages were given by Brother Grisha Kiorescu. Mothers gave thanks for these products that we gave in the Name of Jesus Christ.

4. We had a regional children's meeting in the Church on the theme "God hears prayers." My wife Alla with the youth of our Church and ministers from Chernivtsi for children's ministry organized and held this meeting. The children learned from the pages of the Bible how God answers the prayers of people. We also treated the children to delicious food, handed out prizes, and played different games. Children from 10 Churches attended. There were 70 children and 14 teachers from the district ... We praise God for the servants and teachers. Who organized the arrival of these children to this meeting, where God told them a lot .. let the sown increase.

5. We are preparing for a day camp with children and adolescents. The camp will start from 12 to 17 July.

Pray for all the children who have heard the Word and will still hear that God will grow the seed of His Word in their hearts.

Thank you for being with us in this ministry, worry and pray and help us.

May God reward your sacrifice.

With love to you, the Popov family🤗🤗🤗