About Valery Popov

My name is Valerii Popov.  I was born on June 25, 1970.  By the grace of God I received the Lord Jesus as my Savior in m heart and in my life at the age of 17.  Being a soldier in the Soviet Army I was in a place where I can attend church every Sunday.  At age 19, still being a soldier, I was baptized.

I attended and graduated from the Theological University from Oradea, Romania in 1997.  For one year I went to Russia where I was a missionary in the town of Comsomolschii.  Right after graduation I started to get involved in outreach youth ministry in the district of Noua-Sulita and serving my local church in the village of Rachitna.

I am married to my wife Alla.  The Lord has blessed us with five children: Naomi, 17, Rut 16, Timotei 6, Eunicia 4, and Abigail 1 year and seven months.

 About the Ministry:

In 1998 the Lord called me into full time ministry, in the district of Noua-Sulita, Chernivti Region, Ukraine, as missionary pastor.  My wife Alla is involved in the children’s ministry in our church and in the city.  Naomi and Ruth, my oldest daughters serve in the worship team.

The town of Noua-Sulita has 9000 people, 50% are Romanian by nationality, and the rest of 50% are of diverse nationalities.  It is the district capital of 30 villages.

Our Vision:

·         To be a body of believers devoted to the work of God, reaching to every person with the Gospel, enlarging the kingdom of God in our town, region, and country. 

·         Our motto: Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

Our Mission:

·         To bring people to Christ, through a variety of evangelistic efforts, to meet people’s spiritual needs

·         To grow spiritually mature believers to be active in the spreading of the gospel.

Our Purpose:

·         To proclaim Christ in the church and in our society

·         to help people grow in the likeness of Christ to be able to fulfill the great commission in society and in the church

Our Strategy:

·         Use of evangelism projects

·         Children’s ministry

·         Social projects

·         Development of personal relationships with evangelistic purpose

·         Large evangelistic outreach efforts

·         Short term mission efforts in the region and in the countr