Success In Testimony

Years ago I took some Bible courses where I learned "Success in Testimony". To take the initiative to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit by leaving the results to God "In life with God I have learned that I do not deliver the sinners and that no matter how much good I do to them this will not save them. But it is equally true that we, who want to be like the Lord Jesus, must not be 'weak' in doing good. This will resemble us to our Lord. He is good and all good comes from Him. Whenever we do good, we do God's will. So we will not stop doing good with the deed and we will not stop preaching Him with words. And this month we did good to our neighbor. And we spoke to him of the Love of God. We took children from the Churches to the Skateboard, we offered gifts and food to the children and needy families from the village. 

I went to sing the carols on the occasion of the birth of the Lord Jesus and to give people Christian calendars. We thank God for the help offered this year, and we also thank each and every one of you who has been with us both through financial aid and through prayer. We pray that the Lord God rewards you and blesses you. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • The sown Word to bear fruit 

  • All men who have been helped to turn their hearts to God to show their gratitude to Him. 

  • May the Lord give us His thought and the vision that He wishes us to fulfill in the year 2023.

Cornel Moldoveanu -PIEI Romania Missionary

Carrying the Gospel with two hands

It was the Lord Jesus who got involved in the lives of men when he was on earth. By delivering the Gospel, but also taking care of their needs. Out of desire to follow His footsteps, we also carried the Gospel with 'two hands', in one hand we held Christian literature and on the other hand certain help for people in need.

Through God's grace, in this way, I once again showed some of God's kindness and had the opportunity to speak again to the people of the Holy Word. We are aware that God will make it grow, so both me and you must pray for this work.

The work I did was both in the commune of Maldaeni and in the village of Mavrodin. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • The sown Word of God to bear fruit 

  • May the Lord fill us with faith that He will work 

  • May God give us His thought of how and what we must work further.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Small But Certain Steps

The Lord God is faithful and He comes when you call him. We wanted and wished the people from Maldaeni to hear the gospel to know the Lord Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. 

We prayed to Him that this month would also give us the opportunity to tell everyone about Him. The Lord worked and on October 9th we received a visit at the church from 24 young people, who served on the church program.

After I had served dinner I went out to the street where I preached the Gospel. God was with us and we met the people who listened and we prayed for. 

Following the example of the Lord Jesus, we combined kindness with testimony and gospel. We gave jars of vegetables and potatoes to those in need.

I  saw in this wonderful way that the Lord God does not give up without testimony. From the point of view of this work, we cannot say that we have done much but one thing is certain, the name of the Lord Jesus has been preached once more.

His word sowed and all in the hope is that one day it would come to bear good fruit.

Prayer Requests:

  • Let the Lord bring workers out to his harvest 

  • Let the Lord accompany the sown Word and make it fruitful 

  • Let the Lord send other workers to Maldaeni who have in their heart His work.

  • May the Lord give us His thoughts how to spread salvation even further

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Workers to His Harvest

Once again we experienced what unity means in God's work. On Sunday September 11 we had a meeting with a number of representatives of the Baptist church in Rosiori, an occasion where we agreed to help each other in the work for which God called us. I also had a time of blessed partnership. The work is vast, both in the Maldaeni and in Rosiori, however, there are few workers.

We pray to God that he brings workers out to His harvest. We've always understood that the only way we can do great things is if we work together. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • May the Lord God keep us full of covet and passion for his work. 

  • “Let us rise, ye workers to his harvest.”

  • Let us bring other souls to salvation. 

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Living Church

Blessings from God!

"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

We are trying to live in such a way that we can enjoy, without interruption, the presence of the Lord. We know that it means a blessing. Where He is, is blessing and life for eternity. 

This month we continued to sow the Word of God in the hope that He'll make it grow. We also had a pleasant experience of seeing the power of unity in prayer. A woman who no longer came to church programs, in prayer God searched her and she began to come again.

We have also launched a challenge for all of us who are part of Maldaeni. Each to write on a sheet of paper what he believes he can do practically for God and especially for the Church. We wish all put themselves at the disposal of the Lord, and in this way be a Living Church. The Church is built by what each member gives.

Subjects of Prayer: 

Let us all in the Church be disciples of the Lord Jesus 

May the Lord accompany the sown Word and make it bear good fruit

May God give us light and guidance and further what we must do for Him in Maldaeni 

With respect and appreciation for all the spiritual and financial involvement that you demonstrate,

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

God's Truth

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives generously to all wih all without reproach, and it will be given him." (James 1:5)

July 2nd the children from the children’s group visited the Children's Town in Bucharest. We have learned from experience that 'investing' in children is not in vain. On 10 July we had a baptism and two of the candidates for baptism were Andreea and Rebeca. These two sisters came to the Children's Program four years ago. There they came to the Lord Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Savior. July 23rd we started a 'day camp' with children from Maldaeni and nine children from Mavrodin. During this time I also planned an evangelism opportunity with an eye glasses distribution. A few dozen people heard the gospel at the event.

Subjects for prayer:

  • For me and my family, that the Lord may keep us close to Him, and that we may never see His will as a burden

  • May the Lord Jesus bring fruit in His time by the Word sown in the hearts of the children

  • May the Lord work salvation in the hearts of Rebeca and Andreea’s parents

  • May the Lord Jesus bless the Word spoken at the eye glasses event

With thanks and appreciation,

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

God Gives and Provides

There is a saying by people that says, ”God gives to you but does not put it in the sack,” which alludes to in order to get your desire, first you must work.

However, God can give even when one doesn't work. When Elijah hid at the Brook Cherith following God’s instructions, we have an example of God’s care of Elijah. God commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat. Again God uses a widow in Zarephath to provide flour and oil to make cakes from a handful of flour and jar of oil. Again when Elijah was running from Jezebel an angel baked a cake on coals and provided a jar of water. [1 Kings 17:2-16; 1 Kings 19:1-6]

We believe with all our heart that in our time the Lord has “his crows,” and if there are no more crows to obey His voice He has “faithful widows,” and if there are no faithful widows He has His angels. It is worth trusting in Him in this time of crisis based on the promise: “And the Lord, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” [Deuteronomy 31:6]

Praise be his Name! This month I continued to sow into the hearts of children. We continued to show God's kindness by giving the sisters in the church some beds. With the help of the Lord Jesus we also made a trip into the forest with the families of the gathering to invite relatives and acquaintances among the unbelievers.

Prayer Requests:

  • Between June 28 - July 1 we have a one-day camp for children from the church

  • On July 1 we want to take a trip with children from the church to the Children's Town in Bucharest

  • On July 10 we have a baptism of six candidates for baptism

  • We felt some evil attacks when our two youngest children together with me were sick and we went to the hospital. Two of the older children also finished college, the Lord helping them prepare for their work as adults

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Becoming Friends

The Lord Jesus said: “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15) 

Desiring to live according to the example of the Lord Jesus, we have chosen to make friends among the children that come to the meeting. For this purpose 16 children and I made a trip to Bucharest where we visited the Antipa and Military Museum and also the Zoo. Also out of desire to to make friends with the children from Mavrodin I also made a trip to Alexandria . The joy was full when I saw the change in the children's attitude. They greeted each other at school and were friendly in recreation. Some even came to ask my advice on certain things.

We continue to build on the relationship between us and hope that the day will also come when they will decide to follow Lord Jesus.

This month that I went out in Maldaeni with a group of brothers and sisters. We preached the Gospel and prayed for the needs of the people. We were given grace to be invited into a house for prayer where we talked and prayed for a sick man.

The work is vast but few are workers. We pray to the Lord Jesus that he brings workers out to His harvest.

Moldoveanu family: Cornel, Lucia, Enoch, Esther, Nathanael, Joseph, Joshua, Caleb, Deborah, Neemia — servants of our Lord Jesus Christ and servants with you.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Sow The Word

He is the only living and true God, who works miracles and changes lives. We sow the Word in the hearts of children and elders in the hope that the Lord will make it grow. We sow faithfully without looking at what is seen, that they are passing while those that are not seen are eternal.

From a desire to be close to the children, I went with them on an outdoor walk where I took a Bible lesson. God call us to be His witnesses. We have proclaimed the Lord Jesus in the streets in Rotunda, and also in Mavrodin. 

Prayer Requests

- That the sown Word may bring good fruit 

-That the work with children prosper and through them reach their parents 

- That the Lord guide us continually. 

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Never Alone

”Never alone." The Lord Jesus promised and so it is. (Hebrews 13:5b)

Never alone in:

  • in the work

  • in testimony

  • in the spiritual struggle

  • in preparation for heaven 

We have been and are blessed that He has begun a good work in us and He will end it well. I've seen His hand at work this month, too. God has guided us in developing of work with children, and also in our efforts to be a blessing for needy people. 

We continue our discipleship study with 4 sisters and 2 brothers. 

We are also glad to see two mothers who came to children's programs and sometimes church programs. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Working with children to reach the hearts of parents

  • A summer baptism

  • May the Lord work in the heart of unsaved loved ones.

  • On March 12 the blessing of Neemia, our last child. On the same day we have a team in the street to spread the Gospel, and the usual evening schedule.

  • For the Moldaveanu family: Cornel and Lucica with their children: Enoch, Esther, Nathanael, Joseph, Joshua, Caleb, Deborah, Neemia.

  • Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Carrying The Yoke Of Christ

Paul wrote the Galatians…”let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6:9)

If you look at those around you waiting for help, you risk loosing heart.

If you look at yourself and you try to lean on what you've done or do, you risk loosing heart.

Consider these Scriptures:

”Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy” (Psalm 126:5)

”Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured  the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2)

So go ahead with "sowing" and "watering" with the hope that God will make it grow. And because we serve the same Master, He invites us to carry together the yoke of Christ.

Prayer Requests: 

  • For the sown word in January. Let the Lord make out of the hearts of men a good land to bear fruit. 

  • For the work with children. Every Saturday around 20-30 children come to the program.

  •  I started a discipleship group with two brothers and four sisters. May the Lord work in their hearts. 

  • For all those in the Church in Maldaeni to be on ”fire” for God so that we can sit together with the Lord Jesus.

With respect and appreciation

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

The Great News

God is good and His goodness continues forever. His kindness has been shown in Maldaeni in December.

At the beginning of December we thought God desired for us to fast in the first week of December for all who would be in the church. God was with us and searched our hearts.

On the 11th of December we were joined by a group of people who helped us work with children in the community. It was a good time for the young people, and the children also enjoyed it. 

On the 18th of December with the same group of people we went to ten families in the village to show God's kindness. I brought food and children's footwear, and God brought us a larger group of children with whom I have a program every Saturday. During this period I helped certain families to whom I gave beds and children's jackets.

On the night of the 23rd of December we spread the good news of Jesus' birth by singing. I also had time to talk to people about the Gospel.

On the evening of 24th of December we took the children for a walk in Rosiori. After eating something together, we enjoyed the lights and took pictures.

We had a special time and the children had their program and singing time. After the Word was proclaimed, whoever desired stayed. We had a lovely dinner together of what each one brought to the house of the Lord. We felt like a big family.

Prayer Requests:

  • May the Lord accompany the sown Word and make it bear fruit.

  • May the Lord reward and bless all those involved in the work.

  • May the work with the children and through them reach the heart of parents.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Be Found Faithful

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. - 1 Corinthians 4:2

Because of the events around us there is the risk of losing sight of “the work " that God entrusted us, but in such a time, through the grace of God, I have done what I was meant to do. 

I started the month with a work I've long held in my heart, namely a mission point in the community of Mihaiesti Olt county. Together with the team of PIEI missionaries in the south of the country we walked down the street, told the Gospel to those we met, and shared Christian literature. 

On November 4th we gave beds to the faithful women and some nonbelievers from Maldaeni. Because December will be full of evangelistic events we have decided with the brothers and sisters to do a general cleanup. Between 10am and 4pm I brought wood to a few needy families, showing some of God's kindness. On November 13th we had fasting in the church meeting again. I've been sitting in the presence of God most of the day. We have humbled ourselves and confessed our sins and prayed for the many causes related to the work from Maldaeni. Also during this period we strengthened the work with children. On November 20 we had evangelization on the street in our village.

Prayer Requests:

  • That the sown word shall bear fruit, in Mihaiesti, Mavrodin but also in the community of Maldaeni. 

  •  For children in the community. Let the Lord Jesus give us wisdom to preach the Gospel in their meaning but let them also be with open and willing hearts. And pray to reach their parents through them. 

  •  With the help of God we also want to tithe this year all the autumn preserves. Let's bring them to the church and then divide them among 11 poor families. May the Lord work in the heart of our brothers and pour abundance of generosity. Hope any family helped is open to the Gospel.

  •  In December there will be a few evangelisms with both children and adults. 

May the Lord Jesus work His Word into the hearts and lives of all who are evangelized. Amen!

Cornel Moldoveanu, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Fasting, Repenting, and Prayer

I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus. I don't know how many of you read or watch these posts, but thank you for being here. 

When I say that, I think you are praying for me, for my family, and for the work to which God has called me. I hope that you feel with us our pains and struggles, and also that you will rejoice with us. We are increasingly aware that unity gives power. Even the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane asked the disciples to pray with Him. I ask you and I invite you to be part of the work in Maldaeni, Teleorman county.

Recently I remembered a circumstance in which the Lord Jesus warned the disciples that there is a kind of evil spirits that do not come out except with fasting and prayer. For this reason, we proposed to change our work strategy in Maldaeni. We want to introduce more fasting and prayer, but at the same time not to give up evangelism and testimony.

This month we started with a testimony work. I talked to the Mayor of the locality to paint all the trees and poles on the side of the road on the main street. Also, we found a family where we could work on household chores. In this work we  had a group of young people from Bucharest who helped us.

The second Saturday of October we held a day of fasting in the church. We gathered a group of brothers and sisters and stayed in the church all day. We sang, studied God's Word, and prayed. We have been searched by the spirit of God; we repented, but we also interceded for brothers and unbelievers. In the evening we ate together.

Later we participated in evangelism in a gypsy village. During the week I took a few household items to a needy family.

By the grace of God, the third Saturday in October was a work for women in the Church. Sister Gabi Stef served in this work. It was a work under God's blessing. From this meeting a woman has been coming to church for two Sundays and is accompanied by her children. She also made the decision to follow the Lord Jesus. Glory be to His Name!

Prayer Requests:

  • For the new sister in Christ -  that the Lord may do His work perfectly in her; also in the heart of her husband

  • We would like to help some poor families with firewood for the winter. We don't have the money yet but we are praying for it

  • We would like to start by offering especially the elderly people a tea or coffee and a croissant. We pray for the necessary resources.

  • We would like to start a new project in a neighboring village.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Day of Fasting

The peace of the Lord Jesus be upon you!

With hurried steps but under God's protection, the end of September is approaching. The Lord was kind to us and blessed us the first Saturday of the month with a day of fasting. With almost the whole church we stood before God from 9 am to 6 pm. On September 25 we did street evangelism with a group of young people from our church and from Bucharest. I had a blessed time of almost 3-4 hours. Again we had the opportunity to talk with people and share God's Word with them. We plan soon for another Saturday to go to the main street and paint all the trees and electricity poles to prevent them from cracking. Also, we want to help in two households to renovate and clean the gardens.

Please remember to pray for those who have heard the Word of God. We are also hoping to rent the Synthetic soccer field for working with the children.

God help and give us the victory!

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Write to us!

By the grace of God we were blessed to be invited on August 5-7 to a missionary reunion in Alba Iulia at the PIEI headquarters. Here I had a blessed time of fellowship and learning. I met brother Cornel Stef and the team he brought from the United States. Beyond the spiritual blessings I received, it was a joy for me and my family. It was our first outing like this in the 23 years since I got married.

Another special work I completed this month was the third session of the Bible Olympics called "Bible Spirituality." It was the meeting with the most emotions because at this meeting the final score was determined and prizes were given. As always I started with fellowship, and a time of praise and worship; then the competition followed. We had six winners, two from each age group. The prizes consisted of a 300 RON scholarship to attend the Christian camp.

I gave an award for perseverance for each age group. I also gave a special blessing to a little girl who turned 9 on the same day as our competition. At the end I asked the kids if they liked this competition and if they wanted us to do it again. They all said, “Yes!” So we plan to have another session in October.

Thank you for being a part of this work and may He bless you. Pray for the children who attended that the Lord would touch their hearts through the Word and fall in love with the Bible.

During this month I finished reading the book of Nehemiah with everyone in the house. We were greatly impressed by Nehemiah's attitude when he received the news of God's house. I planned with God's help to have a time of fasting and prayer on August 28th: that the Lord would forgive us for everything we had to do and we did not do, and at the same time fill us with power from His Spirit to faithfully fulfill the entrusted service.

Prayer Requests:

-- For a passionate church for the Lord.

-- For workers to sow the harvest.

-- For healthy families that teach their children about the Lord from an early age.

-- To win other souls for His kingdom.

-- To pray for each other and for the needs we face.

We invite you who want to be with us in spirit, or if you have any special reason to pray together, write to us! We will fast together as a church, and will include our friends as well.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary

I Am a Testimony

Peace from the Lord Jesus. I pray that He will bless and reward you for your part in spreading the Gospel in our area.

With God's help we went to Maldaeni. We gathered about six brothers, but when we wanted to go into the street a torrential rain started. Taking this from God's hand we changed our strategy to focusing on prayer and discussions to improve the work.

During this period the second stage of the "Biblical Olympics" continued. Here the Lord God worked with the plans that came from the Holy Spirit. He blessed us with beautiful weather and a good attendance. I also went to a meeting to work with children organized by the Christian Church After the Gospel in Alexandria. The purpose of the meeting was to analyze the localities where evangelism for children has been done. Of the remaining localities we tried to make a strategy for the future so that these localities are also covered.

Towards the end of the month, however, what preoccupied us a lot was the preparation for the baptism of three brothers and four sisters. Invitations were given to the villagers, posters were put on the sides of village shops and in the bus stations. We set up two big tents. At the baptism we also did evangelism. We invited many people from the village and among the relatives of those who were baptized. These are ones who do not know the Lord Jesus as personal Savior. God worked wonderfully: it was both good weather and was attended by over 120 people!

This month I was able to contact a doctor from the Caritas Hospital in Roșiori de Vede. I made a donation of materials for the hospital. I had the opportunity with God’s help and through a brother of the Church Baptista to be a testimony to Dr. Ionescu. Glory be to God!

By the grace of God, we also helped a few area churches with which we collaborate by preaching the Word of God. In a special way we prepared for the third session of the "Bible Olympics." This being the last session, we had to locate camps for the winners and also prepare something for the award ceremony.

We need your prayers to further both the sown Word and to work with these young people and children from the Olympics. May the Lord glorify His Name in these efforts as well.

Be blessed!

Cornel Moldoveanu, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Bible Olympics!

By the grace of God, the second session of the "Biblical Olympics" in Maldaeni ended. The Lord was kind to us and we had good weather, a good presence of the children, and we felt God's blessings. Glory be to His Name!

The Biblical Olympics in Maldaeni was divided into three sessions:

1. "People of the Bible"

These were all the great people from the Bible, starting with Adam and ending with the our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. "Bible Events"

In this session we wanted to see the events in the lives of these faithful people.

3. "The Spirituality of the Bible"

This part of the session is scheduled for August when we will try to see, with the help of the Lord, the spiritual life of the people mentioned in the first session.

About 11 children came from Maldaeni, and up to 30-40 came from the churches around Maldaeni. For the Biblical Olympics, topics and questions were asked through the guidance I have received from God. I did not use any other material or any other inspiration for this Olympics.

I divided the children into three categories

...... 8-11 years

..... 12-15 years

...... 16-20 years

I gave them homework to read the Bible texts. Then we met at the church where we had the test. The scoring was done according to how many correct answers there are for each session. At the end of the three sessions, the ranking is made for each age group. The first two children in each age group will be awarded. The prize consists of participating for free in a Christian camp.

I have included below an examples (of texts to read and questions) from the second session of the "Bible Olympics" - Bible Events.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Missionary

Texts to read:

1. Creation: Genesis 1: 26,27 / 2: 18-24

2. The Fall of Man into Sin: Genesis 3: 1-6

3. First crime: Genesis 4: 3-10

4. The Flood: Genesis 7: 10-23

5. Babel: Genesis 11: 1-9

6. The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20: 1-17

7. The enslavement of the Hebrew people: Exodus 1: 8-14

8. The Lord's Passover: Exodus 13: 3-10

9. Getting out of the captivity of Egypt: Exodus 13: 17-22

10. The Blessings and the Curses: Deuteronomy 28: 1-6 / 15-19

11. Walking in the Promised Land: Deuteronomy 31: 1-6

12. First King: 1 Samuel 9: 1,2 / 10: 1

13. The proclamation of the birth of the Lord Jesus: Matthew 1: 18-23

14. The baptism of the Lord Jesus: Matthew 3: 13-17

15. The Life of the Lord Jesus: 1 Corinthians 15: 3,4 / 1 Peter 2: 21-25

16. The choice of the Twelve: Luke 6: 12-16

17. The Death of the Lord Jesus: Matthew 27: 26-50

Sample questions: (For older age groups)

1. Who was created in the image of God: Adam or Eve, or both?

2. God said not to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. What did Eve added to the discussion with Satan?

3. What did Cain say about his brother when asked by God?

4. How high was the water above any mountain peak at the flood?

5. Where was the Tower of Babel built? The place, not the country.

6. Think of the last two commandments. How would you write them in a few words ?

7. By what methods did the Egyptians made life difficult for the Hebrews?

8. What had to remind the Hebrews the feast of the Passover?

9. Why God made the people go around?

10. Give some examples of blessings

11. How does Moses encourage the Hebrews?

12. What did Samuel say to Saul immediately after he anointed him king

For the children. 8-11

1. Why did the Lord God make Eve?

2. What did Satan tell Eve to fool her to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden?

3. What does the Lord God say will fall on Cain after he killed Abel?

4. How old was Noah when the Flood began?

5. What happened to the people on earth after the Lord God confused their tongues?

6. What do commandments 9 and 10 say?

7. What is the name of one of the cities that the Hebrews built when they were in Egyptian slavery?

8. What should the Passover feast be like for the Hebrews?

9. Why didn't the Lord take the Hebrews through the land of the Philistines after they left Egypt?

10. What exactly conditioned the blessings?

11. What does the Lord God promise the Hebrews when they enter in the promised land?

Bible ”Olympics”

Peace upon you!

After a general meeting of men and women March 6, a group of brothers from the area met to plan an evangelistic outreach into the community. Then on Saturday, March 20 at 10:00AM, ten brothers met at the church. Dividing us into three groups and for 2-3 hours we gave the Gospel throughout the community, going from person to person. We talked with people, prayed for them and invited them to church programs. Returning to the church early afternoon, we prayed for the work done and enjoyed pizza.

„Olimpiada” Biblică (1) (1).png

Sensing leading from the Lord, I am beginning to plan for Bible "Olympics" at the church in Maldaeni.

I'm thinking of three groups with three different themes:

1. The first theme: "People of the Bible" for children 8-15 years old

2. The second theme: "Bible Events" for young people over 15 years old

3. The third theme: "Spirituality of the Bible" for 15 years old and up

Each month children and young people will read a specific Bible portion for the month. When we meet they will be asked to answer a set of questions from their reading that month. Six children will be selected for the prize of being sponsored to attend a Christian camp. If the pandemic does not allow camps, the children will receive prizes in the value of the camp sponsorship.

We have spoken with several parents of the children, and we estimate a participation of 30 or 40 children. I'm estimating three monthly meetings at $360-$480 for handouts and refreshments, and prizes at $435. To date we have about $120 and are depending on the Lord for the rest.

Prayer Requests

  • Developing appropriate questions and answers for each theme

  • That the children and young people will desire to read the Bible

  • To prepare everything needed for the Bible “Olympics”

    That every child and young person may become more faithful by the knowledge of God’s Word

  • And that through the Bible “Olympics” God may be glorified

God Bless you all!

Cornel Moldovean – PIEI Missionary

Bible ”Olympics”

After a general meeting of men and women March 6, a group of brothers from the area met to plan an evangelistic outreach into the community. Then on Saturday, March 20 at 10:00AM, ten brothers met at the church. Dividing us into three groups and for 2-3 hours we gave the Gospel throughout the community, going from person to person. We talked with people, prayed for them and invited them to church programs. Returning to the church early afternoon, we prayed for the work done and enjoyed pizza.

„Olimpiada” Biblică (1) (1).png

Sensing leading from the Lord, I am beginning to plan for Bible "Olympics" at the church in Maldaeni.

I'm thinking of three groups with three different themes:

1. The first theme: "People of the Bible" for children 8-15 years old

2. The second theme: "Bible Events" for young people over 15 years old

3. The third theme: "Spirituality of the Bible"

Each month children and young people will read a specific Bible portions for the month. When we meet they will be asked to answer a set of questions from their readings that month. Six children will be selected for the prize of being sponsored to attend a Christian camp. If the pandemic does not allow camps, the children will receive prizes in the value of the camp sponsorship.

We have spoken with several parents of the children, and we estimate a participation of 30 or 40 children. I'm estimating three monthly meetings at $360-$480 for handouts and refreshments, and prizes at $435. To date we have about $120 and are depending on the Lord for the rest.

Prayer Requests

  • Developing appropriate questions and answers for each theme

  • That the children and young people will desire to read the Bible

  • To prepare everything needed for the Bible “Olympics”

  • That every child and young person may become more faithful by the knowledge of God's Word

  • And that through the Bible “Olympics” God may be glorified

God Bless you all!

Cornel Moldovean – PIEI Missionary