God's Truth

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives generously to all wih all without reproach, and it will be given him." (James 1:5)

July 2nd the children from the children’s group visited the Children's Town in Bucharest. We have learned from experience that 'investing' in children is not in vain. On 10 July we had a baptism and two of the candidates for baptism were Andreea and Rebeca. These two sisters came to the Children's Program four years ago. There they came to the Lord Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Savior. July 23rd we started a 'day camp' with children from Maldaeni and nine children from Mavrodin. During this time I also planned an evangelism opportunity with an eye glasses distribution. A few dozen people heard the gospel at the event.

Subjects for prayer:

  • For me and my family, that the Lord may keep us close to Him, and that we may never see His will as a burden

  • May the Lord Jesus bring fruit in His time by the Word sown in the hearts of the children

  • May the Lord work salvation in the hearts of Rebeca and Andreea’s parents

  • May the Lord Jesus bless the Word spoken at the eye glasses event

With thanks and appreciation,

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary