What is Bethel Youth Mission Rwanda?
Bethel Youth Mission Rwanda also known as (BYMR) is a local movement of Christians from Rwandan youth communities. We are gathered together regardless of different age groups or various Christian traditions and backgrounds. We are dedicated to serving Jesus and spreading the gospel beginning from our own country. Also known as BYMR, we are united in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known.
How we Started
BYMR started in 2010 when, by God’s calling, the founder Evangelist Sawado Nshimiyimana launched a faith-based non-denomination Christian youth movement starting from his own village in the northern province of the country in Gicumbi district. Bethel Youth Mission Rwanda seeks to lead Rwandan youth to receive new life by faith in Jesus Christ and have it more abundantly, proclaiming the gospel through their lives and bringing about change both in their villages and country.
Click below to learn more about Sawado.
Sawado with his wife(Jolie Niyibizi) and 3 children(from Left Richard,Michael and Gift)
Where We Are Today
Today, after nine years, our main focus is still in the same, but also we have expanded our vision to include church planting, church leader training, youth evangelism, sport ministry, mercy ministry, orphan care, and education. One of the joys of participating in BYMR is to work with people from many Rwandan Villages with a different and difficult backgrounds. We are currently operating in 3 provinces of the country (Northern and Southern plus Kigali city).
We are committed to:
•Youth Outreach: Reaching out to transform the lives of youth through the love of Jesus Christ revealed on the cross of Calvary.
•Discipling: Making disciples who desire to follow Jesus Christ and imitate Him, being witnesses who proclaim the gospel both through their words and actions.
•Fellowship: Sharing in the love of God by assisting orphans, widows and the most needy into their education, foods and shelter which helps them to grow in their faith, have hope of the future and believe in the love of God.
•Equipping: Helping believers to discover and develop God-given gifts and talents that will prepare them on a lifetime God’s service and also into building up others.
•Impacting: Opening a way and providing a platform for the Rwandan youth of this generation to positively influence the region and advance the kingdom of God.
•Christ centered education training: impacting schools leaders, students to give education based on God’s will, God fearing, and the followers of Jesus Christ.