God Gives and Provides

There is a saying by people that says, ”God gives to you but does not put it in the sack,” which alludes to in order to get your desire, first you must work.

However, God can give even when one doesn't work. When Elijah hid at the Brook Cherith following God’s instructions, we have an example of God’s care of Elijah. God commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat. Again God uses a widow in Zarephath to provide flour and oil to make cakes from a handful of flour and jar of oil. Again when Elijah was running from Jezebel an angel baked a cake on coals and provided a jar of water. [1 Kings 17:2-16; 1 Kings 19:1-6]

We believe with all our heart that in our time the Lord has “his crows,” and if there are no more crows to obey His voice He has “faithful widows,” and if there are no faithful widows He has His angels. It is worth trusting in Him in this time of crisis based on the promise: “And the Lord, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” [Deuteronomy 31:6]

Praise be his Name! This month I continued to sow into the hearts of children. We continued to show God's kindness by giving the sisters in the church some beds. With the help of the Lord Jesus we also made a trip into the forest with the families of the gathering to invite relatives and acquaintances among the unbelievers.

Prayer Requests:

  • Between June 28 - July 1 we have a one-day camp for children from the church

  • On July 1 we want to take a trip with children from the church to the Children's Town in Bucharest

  • On July 10 we have a baptism of six candidates for baptism

  • We felt some evil attacks when our two youngest children together with me were sick and we went to the hospital. Two of the older children also finished college, the Lord helping them prepare for their work as adults

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary