Becoming Friends

The Lord Jesus said: “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15) 

Desiring to live according to the example of the Lord Jesus, we have chosen to make friends among the children that come to the meeting. For this purpose 16 children and I made a trip to Bucharest where we visited the Antipa and Military Museum and also the Zoo. Also out of desire to to make friends with the children from Mavrodin I also made a trip to Alexandria . The joy was full when I saw the change in the children's attitude. They greeted each other at school and were friendly in recreation. Some even came to ask my advice on certain things.

We continue to build on the relationship between us and hope that the day will also come when they will decide to follow Lord Jesus.

This month that I went out in Maldaeni with a group of brothers and sisters. We preached the Gospel and prayed for the needs of the people. We were given grace to be invited into a house for prayer where we talked and prayed for a sick man.

The work is vast but few are workers. We pray to the Lord Jesus that he brings workers out to His harvest.

Moldoveanu family: Cornel, Lucia, Enoch, Esther, Nathanael, Joseph, Joshua, Caleb, Deborah, Neemia — servants of our Lord Jesus Christ and servants with you.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary