Carrying the Gospel with two hands

It was the Lord Jesus who got involved in the lives of men when he was on earth. By delivering the Gospel, but also taking care of their needs. Out of desire to follow His footsteps, we also carried the Gospel with 'two hands', in one hand we held Christian literature and on the other hand certain help for people in need.

Through God's grace, in this way, I once again showed some of God's kindness and had the opportunity to speak again to the people of the Holy Word. We are aware that God will make it grow, so both me and you must pray for this work.

The work I did was both in the commune of Maldaeni and in the village of Mavrodin. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • The sown Word of God to bear fruit 

  • May the Lord fill us with faith that He will work 

  • May God give us His thought of how and what we must work further.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary