Small But Certain Steps

The Lord God is faithful and He comes when you call him. We wanted and wished the people from Maldaeni to hear the gospel to know the Lord Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. 

We prayed to Him that this month would also give us the opportunity to tell everyone about Him. The Lord worked and on October 9th we received a visit at the church from 24 young people, who served on the church program.

After I had served dinner I went out to the street where I preached the Gospel. God was with us and we met the people who listened and we prayed for. 

Following the example of the Lord Jesus, we combined kindness with testimony and gospel. We gave jars of vegetables and potatoes to those in need.

I  saw in this wonderful way that the Lord God does not give up without testimony. From the point of view of this work, we cannot say that we have done much but one thing is certain, the name of the Lord Jesus has been preached once more.

His word sowed and all in the hope is that one day it would come to bear good fruit.

Prayer Requests:

  • Let the Lord bring workers out to his harvest 

  • Let the Lord accompany the sown Word and make it fruitful 

  • Let the Lord send other workers to Maldaeni who have in their heart His work.

  • May the Lord give us His thoughts how to spread salvation even further

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary