Bible Olympics!

By the grace of God, the second session of the "Biblical Olympics" in Maldaeni ended. The Lord was kind to us and we had good weather, a good presence of the children, and we felt God's blessings. Glory be to His Name!

The Biblical Olympics in Maldaeni was divided into three sessions:

1. "People of the Bible"

These were all the great people from the Bible, starting with Adam and ending with the our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. "Bible Events"

In this session we wanted to see the events in the lives of these faithful people.

3. "The Spirituality of the Bible"

This part of the session is scheduled for August when we will try to see, with the help of the Lord, the spiritual life of the people mentioned in the first session.

About 11 children came from Maldaeni, and up to 30-40 came from the churches around Maldaeni. For the Biblical Olympics, topics and questions were asked through the guidance I have received from God. I did not use any other material or any other inspiration for this Olympics.

I divided the children into three categories

...... 8-11 years

..... 12-15 years

...... 16-20 years

I gave them homework to read the Bible texts. Then we met at the church where we had the test. The scoring was done according to how many correct answers there are for each session. At the end of the three sessions, the ranking is made for each age group. The first two children in each age group will be awarded. The prize consists of participating for free in a Christian camp.

I have included below an examples (of texts to read and questions) from the second session of the "Bible Olympics" - Bible Events.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Missionary

Texts to read:

1. Creation: Genesis 1: 26,27 / 2: 18-24

2. The Fall of Man into Sin: Genesis 3: 1-6

3. First crime: Genesis 4: 3-10

4. The Flood: Genesis 7: 10-23

5. Babel: Genesis 11: 1-9

6. The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20: 1-17

7. The enslavement of the Hebrew people: Exodus 1: 8-14

8. The Lord's Passover: Exodus 13: 3-10

9. Getting out of the captivity of Egypt: Exodus 13: 17-22

10. The Blessings and the Curses: Deuteronomy 28: 1-6 / 15-19

11. Walking in the Promised Land: Deuteronomy 31: 1-6

12. First King: 1 Samuel 9: 1,2 / 10: 1

13. The proclamation of the birth of the Lord Jesus: Matthew 1: 18-23

14. The baptism of the Lord Jesus: Matthew 3: 13-17

15. The Life of the Lord Jesus: 1 Corinthians 15: 3,4 / 1 Peter 2: 21-25

16. The choice of the Twelve: Luke 6: 12-16

17. The Death of the Lord Jesus: Matthew 27: 26-50

Sample questions: (For older age groups)

1. Who was created in the image of God: Adam or Eve, or both?

2. God said not to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. What did Eve added to the discussion with Satan?

3. What did Cain say about his brother when asked by God?

4. How high was the water above any mountain peak at the flood?

5. Where was the Tower of Babel built? The place, not the country.

6. Think of the last two commandments. How would you write them in a few words ?

7. By what methods did the Egyptians made life difficult for the Hebrews?

8. What had to remind the Hebrews the feast of the Passover?

9. Why God made the people go around?

10. Give some examples of blessings

11. How does Moses encourage the Hebrews?

12. What did Samuel say to Saul immediately after he anointed him king

For the children. 8-11

1. Why did the Lord God make Eve?

2. What did Satan tell Eve to fool her to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden?

3. What does the Lord God say will fall on Cain after he killed Abel?

4. How old was Noah when the Flood began?

5. What happened to the people on earth after the Lord God confused their tongues?

6. What do commandments 9 and 10 say?

7. What is the name of one of the cities that the Hebrews built when they were in Egyptian slavery?

8. What should the Passover feast be like for the Hebrews?

9. Why didn't the Lord take the Hebrews through the land of the Philistines after they left Egypt?

10. What exactly conditioned the blessings?

11. What does the Lord God promise the Hebrews when they enter in the promised land?