Bible ”Olympics”

Peace upon you!

After a general meeting of men and women March 6, a group of brothers from the area met to plan an evangelistic outreach into the community. Then on Saturday, March 20 at 10:00AM, ten brothers met at the church. Dividing us into three groups and for 2-3 hours we gave the Gospel throughout the community, going from person to person. We talked with people, prayed for them and invited them to church programs. Returning to the church early afternoon, we prayed for the work done and enjoyed pizza.

„Olimpiada” Biblică (1) (1).png

Sensing leading from the Lord, I am beginning to plan for Bible "Olympics" at the church in Maldaeni.

I'm thinking of three groups with three different themes:

1. The first theme: "People of the Bible" for children 8-15 years old

2. The second theme: "Bible Events" for young people over 15 years old

3. The third theme: "Spirituality of the Bible" for 15 years old and up

Each month children and young people will read a specific Bible portion for the month. When we meet they will be asked to answer a set of questions from their reading that month. Six children will be selected for the prize of being sponsored to attend a Christian camp. If the pandemic does not allow camps, the children will receive prizes in the value of the camp sponsorship.

We have spoken with several parents of the children, and we estimate a participation of 30 or 40 children. I'm estimating three monthly meetings at $360-$480 for handouts and refreshments, and prizes at $435. To date we have about $120 and are depending on the Lord for the rest.

Prayer Requests

  • Developing appropriate questions and answers for each theme

  • That the children and young people will desire to read the Bible

  • To prepare everything needed for the Bible “Olympics”

    That every child and young person may become more faithful by the knowledge of God’s Word

  • And that through the Bible “Olympics” God may be glorified

God Bless you all!

Cornel Moldovean – PIEI Missionary