Fasting, Repenting, and Prayer

I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus. I don't know how many of you read or watch these posts, but thank you for being here. 

When I say that, I think you are praying for me, for my family, and for the work to which God has called me. I hope that you feel with us our pains and struggles, and also that you will rejoice with us. We are increasingly aware that unity gives power. Even the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane asked the disciples to pray with Him. I ask you and I invite you to be part of the work in Maldaeni, Teleorman county.

Recently I remembered a circumstance in which the Lord Jesus warned the disciples that there is a kind of evil spirits that do not come out except with fasting and prayer. For this reason, we proposed to change our work strategy in Maldaeni. We want to introduce more fasting and prayer, but at the same time not to give up evangelism and testimony.

This month we started with a testimony work. I talked to the Mayor of the locality to paint all the trees and poles on the side of the road on the main street. Also, we found a family where we could work on household chores. In this work we  had a group of young people from Bucharest who helped us.

The second Saturday of October we held a day of fasting in the church. We gathered a group of brothers and sisters and stayed in the church all day. We sang, studied God's Word, and prayed. We have been searched by the spirit of God; we repented, but we also interceded for brothers and unbelievers. In the evening we ate together.

Later we participated in evangelism in a gypsy village. During the week I took a few household items to a needy family.

By the grace of God, the third Saturday in October was a work for women in the Church. Sister Gabi Stef served in this work. It was a work under God's blessing. From this meeting a woman has been coming to church for two Sundays and is accompanied by her children. She also made the decision to follow the Lord Jesus. Glory be to His Name!

Prayer Requests:

  • For the new sister in Christ -  that the Lord may do His work perfectly in her; also in the heart of her husband

  • We would like to help some poor families with firewood for the winter. We don't have the money yet but we are praying for it

  • We would like to start by offering especially the elderly people a tea or coffee and a croissant. We pray for the necessary resources.

  • We would like to start a new project in a neighboring village.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary