God's wonderful work in the villages

Beloved brethren in the Lord Jesus, February and early March were accompanied by the grace and presence of the Lord Jesus.

From the first part of the month I started with evangelism in Beciu. Here, together with five brothers and four sisters, we took to the streets of the community one by one, proclaiming the Lord Jesus and praying for as many of them as possible. We had a very special time both as a group and the many people who had open hearts.

I also continued working with the children’s boxes we have received. When I received the boxes I had until February to give them away. I went to the kindergartens in the village where I had the opportunity to make the children happy, but also to give them a Christian brochure and said something about the Lord Jesus.

On February 23, I was also in an evangelism on the streets of Mârșani. As in Beciu, we made teams of 2 and went on the street, where we proclaimed the Love of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins through faith in Him.

I also had great joy in early March. Specifically, on March 6, there was a meeting of women in our Church. I had the opportunity to invite about 10-12 women from the ones I evangelized to through the children's boxes, and I thank God they all came. I did not participate in the program but only in its organization. The rest was led by women, for women. The program was led by Sister Florina Darvell with Sister Alina Sfetcu and my wife Lucia. Together with the sisters from Beciu and the sisters from the Church, there were about 26 women.


By the grace of God we want to continue this work with women through my wife and sister Florina. We want to have a youth meeting in the tent when it gets warmer. We have a 12m x 6m tent.

We set out to do evangelism on the street or in the tent at least once a month.

At the same time, we want to make a club for children. We would teach children or young people about the Lord Jesus, but also have a table or two of ping-pong / chess and serve them with tea and some cookies.

Cornel Moldoveanu, PIEI-Romania Missionary

More Than Conquerors

Be blessed!

Because January has passed, I would like to share some of this month's activities with you.


First of all, we continued to evangelize from house to house through gifts for children. During the development of this work I also had satisfaction due to the open heart of some families but also sadness when I saw how indifferent and careless some people are to their souls. I also made a list of those who showed were open to the Gospel so that I could continue to minister to them.

At our church at the end of each year, each member brings something of what he has prepared for the winter. Broth, flour, potatoes, corn, beans. We gather them all and give them in the village to a few families of needy people. So this year some families were blessed with this initiative as well.

The Bible Study continued through sister Florina Darvell but also the work with children. On one occasion some children were taught how to make a quick dessert.

Also this month I had the joy that a family and two young people would want to confess the Lord Jesus through baptism so I started a cycle of preparation to perform this act. We would like to have the baptism done in the summer when it is hot. We have a river in Rosiori.

At the same time, we agreed with the PIEI missionaries from the southern area to help each other on the last Tuesday of the month in evangelizing the communities where we each belong. Unfortunately, we couldn't do it last Tuesday because it snowed but tomorrow with God's help we will be in Beciu.

Prayer Requests:

1 .. Guidance in all decisions made regarding the church

2 .. May the Lord give me a gift of evangelism so that the sown Word may reach the hearts of men.

3..For Jesus to raise workers as His harvest in the community of Maldaeni

4 .. May He help us to renounce ourselves and thus be free from His Spirit.

5 ... The word sown to find good soil that will bring rich fruit.

6 ... May the Lord deliver us from the attacks of the evil one and give us the belief that in all things we are more than conquerors.

Be blessed!

Cornel Moldoveanu

Ministering to the poor

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, the end of 2020, despite the pandemic and the restrictions, for the Church of Maldaeni it was a blessed time. I had an evangelism in the tent in September where about 30 people participated. Then in October I had a youth meeting. Also in the tent were 30-35 young people who participated.

At the end of this year, the Lord gave us the opportunity to get involved in the lives of poor families to whom we took wood and various foods. As a grace was the help from Sister Florina Darvell who helps us with the group of children with English language and Bible study.

This month, with God's help, we received boxes for the children and through them we tried to reach certain people in the village to preach the Gospel to them.

We need your prayers for the Lord God to accompany the sown Word and make it bear fruit.

Be blessed,

Cornel Moldoveanu, PIEI-Romania Missionary