Ministering to the poor

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, the end of 2020, despite the pandemic and the restrictions, for the Church of Maldaeni it was a blessed time. I had an evangelism in the tent in September where about 30 people participated. Then in October I had a youth meeting. Also in the tent were 30-35 young people who participated.

At the end of this year, the Lord gave us the opportunity to get involved in the lives of poor families to whom we took wood and various foods. As a grace was the help from Sister Florina Darvell who helps us with the group of children with English language and Bible study.

This month, with God's help, we received boxes for the children and through them we tried to reach certain people in the village to preach the Gospel to them.

We need your prayers for the Lord God to accompany the sown Word and make it bear fruit.

Be blessed,

Cornel Moldoveanu, PIEI-Romania Missionary