Write to us!

By the grace of God we were blessed to be invited on August 5-7 to a missionary reunion in Alba Iulia at the PIEI headquarters. Here I had a blessed time of fellowship and learning. I met brother Cornel Stef and the team he brought from the United States. Beyond the spiritual blessings I received, it was a joy for me and my family. It was our first outing like this in the 23 years since I got married.

Another special work I completed this month was the third session of the Bible Olympics called "Bible Spirituality." It was the meeting with the most emotions because at this meeting the final score was determined and prizes were given. As always I started with fellowship, and a time of praise and worship; then the competition followed. We had six winners, two from each age group. The prizes consisted of a 300 RON scholarship to attend the Christian camp.

I gave an award for perseverance for each age group. I also gave a special blessing to a little girl who turned 9 on the same day as our competition. At the end I asked the kids if they liked this competition and if they wanted us to do it again. They all said, β€œYes!” So we plan to have another session in October.

Thank you for being a part of this work and may He bless you. Pray for the children who attended that the Lord would touch their hearts through the Word and fall in love with the Bible.

During this month I finished reading the book of Nehemiah with everyone in the house. We were greatly impressed by Nehemiah's attitude when he received the news of God's house. I planned with God's help to have a time of fasting and prayer on August 28th: that the Lord would forgive us for everything we had to do and we did not do, and at the same time fill us with power from His Spirit to faithfully fulfill the entrusted service.

Prayer Requests:

-- For a passionate church for the Lord.

-- For workers to sow the harvest.

-- For healthy families that teach their children about the Lord from an early age.

-- To win other souls for His kingdom.

-- To pray for each other and for the needs we face.

We invite you who want to be with us in spirit, or if you have any special reason to pray together, write to us! We will fast together as a church, and will include our friends as well.

Cornel Moldoveanu - PIEI Romania Missionary