Open Our House

We are saddened and grieved by the situation in Ukraine. We suffer for the suffering of the people there and especially for our brothers and sisters.

In addition to the things we face in everyday life, we would also like to take part in carrying the burdens of the ones who face trials in Ukraine. Together with the church, we have decided to open our hearts and homes to provide a place for seven refugee families for an indefinite period.

Seven locations where those in need will be able to stay. Together, brothers and sisters, we decided to help financially support these families. Each of those involved, out of their income, offers 200 lei per month covering part of the costs.

I wait for brother Paul's daughter and her family to reach us, and we pray for them and the families of the other missionaries to come, too! 

Prayer Requests: 

  • May we be able to help our brothers

  • May we have the necessary financial resources

  • May we be a comfort to them 

  • May these deeds lead to the glory of God

  • May we find ourselves in God’s will in all situations!

    God be with you!

    Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

Christian Care


On the basis of a previous work, a collaboration with CAM of Floresti (Christian Aid Ministries), we have asked the management of the association to accept the PIE’'s ministry areas for the purpose of sending medical and hygiene aid.

Finding the opening on their part, I’m hopeful that by next month we can help our brothers and sisters in our mission areas as well as other people who have or are in need. 

I believe that in this practical way Christian love and the Gospel can touch many hearts. Pray that this work can be done. Let the medical aid be made with a spirit of sacrifice, and let people see that Christian care. May people see our missionaries’ care for both physical health and spiritual life.

The Lord with you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

A Joyful Opportunity to Evangelize

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Blessings in the name of the Lord!
Celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus is our reason for joy and thankfulness for God’s greatest gift.
On this special occasion in Victoria we invited children and their parents to church for a gift-giving event. We offered gifts in order to relate to them in a fun, practical way; in order to develop relationships between the giver and those receiving the gifts. From the youngest to the oldest everyone enjoyed receiving the gifts, which created an atmosphere of happiness and well-being.

I had the opportunity of sharing a message from the Scripture about God’s gift that springs from His love for the world. 

Over 90 parents and children who attended heard the Gospel and were challenged to receive Christ as their Savior. After the message we had a moment of prayer when they had the opportunity to show their desire for the Lord to come into their lives. Some did, but some were hesitant or even might have refused. It is God who knows the hearts. May He continue His work in those hearts who accepted His  gift of salvation. May God continue to prepare the hearts of those not ready to respond to the Gospel heard at this event.
Prayer Requests:
• For all the children and parents who heard the Gospel
• For all the people of Victoria who have heard the Gospel over the years to be convicted by the Holy Spirit to put their faith in the Lord Jesus.

• For a year of peace and freedom of faith
May God give His abundant blessings upon each of you, and may your holidays be filled with joy.

Timotei Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

A Visit To My Beloved Brothers - PIEI Missionaries

Here we are into the new year: one year older, perhaps wiser, more experienced, more spiritually mature, and certainly closer to meeting our Lord whom we are waiting to return as He promised! 
I fulfilled my desire to visit again before the end of the year all my brothers in Christ, servants of the Lord, and our PIEI missionaries in their locations. I just recently returned. I found them doing well, busy spreading the Gospel, doing the work of discipleship and church planting. Each one faithfully serving, striving to be in the will of God, but also facing many challenges, especially in these times.

First, I challenged them with our PIEI vision of discipleship, and distributed literature and study materials focusing on the Holy Scripture. Second, I encouraged all to know each other and care for each other for the purpose of building our relationships with each other as well as unity in ministry. 

All our missionaries are eager to see progress in their efforts, to see people coming to the Lord. They were also happy and encouraged by Christmas gifts (some from Romania and some from the USA) from those who care and remember them and their families.
I personally feel a sense of accomplishment and joy as well as peace. I am trusting that the work of evangelism goes forward and will reach many people. I see there are still men and women who have a passion for the Lord, for reaching  lost people with the Gospel, and among them are our PIEI missionaries in Romania.

Prayer Requests:
• For our families, our churches and the places where we serve.
• For those who have heard the Gospel, that they would receive the Lord and dedicate their lives to Him.
• For a year of peace and freedom of faith.

Blessings to you all!

Timotei Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

Is time a friend or an enemy?

Blessings from the Father of the Heavenly Lights! 

Is time a friend or an enemy? It depends on how we use it. However time passes for me, it must also acquire the status of “a friend.” So I seek to use time to obey the Lord, to serve others in good deeds, and to grow my spiritual maturity.

I completed a study, called Stepping Up, which focuses on being God’s men. As a small group of men we discussed the themes of the study as well as the way we see and do things in our lives. Toma Costel led the study. Brothers Bruda Dumitru/Bebe, Nechilciuc Catalin, Stancu Ionel, Timothei Stinea (my son) and myself comprised the small group.

In the service for others we were able to help complete the construction of the prayer place in Geoagiu. Last Sunday the building was dedicated. Also, ICM provided a significant financial contribution. I encouraged the church to focus not on earthly things but on heavenly things.

“Therefore, we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” -Hebrews 2:1

Although we participated in the construction, we remember that He who builds all things is GOD. He deserves all our worship and service!

Prayer Requests:

  • That we learn godly truth to be applied in everyone's life. 

  • That my brothers and I grow spiritually, becoming "patriarchs" according to the ways of the Stepping Up study.

  • That we be protected from evil.

  • That the gypsy brothers of Geoagiu to be a godly testimony for their community; and that the work of the Gospel advance among them.

  • That PIEI’s mission in Romania have a strong, spiritual impact; that missionaries seize their time to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

Please pray for Romania. Thank you for your support. God bless you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania National Director

The Making of Disciples

Blessings from above, from our Heavenly Father!

At the meeting with my brother Cornel and brother Walter in October it was decided that the main mission of PIE-Romania would be the MAKING OF DISCIPLES. The fulfillment of the commandment of Matthew 28 shall constitute, for all missionaries, the ultimate concern in their work!

I’ve been looking to bring this message to the attention of each and every one of the missionaries. Together with the National Committee of PIE we have come to the conclusion that every national worker should receive a study material , accessible and focused on the Holy Scripture, to be used with their first disciples.  We have been looking at a study entitled "10 Fundamental Steps towards Christian Maturity".

We wish to begin this year, not before asking the Lord, to guide us toward those who will be the first involved in the Apprenticeship process. Each missionary, thus prepare at least one person who will also be collaborators in the work, we hope, in the near future. 

I have decided that my work will begin with two Victorian brothers, who have recently returned to the Lord, and with a Romanian sister who lives in Germany. Sister Dana told me that for 4 months she has been praying to the Lord to be given the opportunity to study the Word and to serve the Lord in the way He wills. Likewise, Brother Catalin opened his soul and confessed that he had a great desire to know the Word and the Lord, much more than ever before! He is thankful to the Lord Jesus for having mercy on him, and regrets the years that he have lost so far. The third person is my son Timothy, with whom I wish to share, like all others, what the Lord has given me so far; grace, learning, experience, love. ...all from Him, for Him, and for all those for whom He gave his life!

Prayer Requests: 

  • Let us receive power from above to complete this first step! 

  • May every missionary be guided by the Spirit in the choice of their first disciple and collaborator. 

  • Let us have the study material for each participant so that we can all begin in December. 

The Lord be with you all!

Timotei Stanea, PIEI-Romania National Director

Unrolling The Thread

“Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground…” -Hosea 10:12while

Be blessed!

After the journey of my last report among the PIE missionaries in their locales, brother Cornel, brother Walter and sister Gabi, enjoyed a pleasant opportunity with the local Church of The Lord in Racovita, Sibiu county. This was their 100th anniversary of the presence and Christian baptist testimony in Racovita. During these years the Lord entrusted me to serve Him five years in this church! Unrolling the thread of events of those days I remember how the Lord worked in my life as He gave me the privilege of His work in the lives of others! A text of the Scripture says: “He who waters others will also be watered himself.” (Proverbs 11:25)

From the experience of those years I also benefit today, and not only me but also my fellow missionary PIE brothers and sisters! Thank God for the time, relationships, and events while pastor of this church.

In the afternoon of Romanian Thanksgiving, I preached a message to turn the attention and minds of those present to being preoccupied with righteousness, the priority so that each one may “reap” God’s mercy! I found myself also wishing to be a beneficiary of this mercy. The result of this preoccupation with righteousness has eternal effects for bringing satisfaction. The fruit is expressed not only by words but in actions from what we have, we also share with others!

Please pray that all present be among those who do justice, so that all may experience the mercy of God! Pray that wherever the Word was sown will find “good soil” so that it can bear a fruit. Pray that every PIE missionary be a satisfied man who is joyfully willing to share with others what he has!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania National Director

Let Us Go Back

Grace and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

“Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.” Acts 15:36

Just like we’ve done before, Cornel and Gabi Stef, Walter and I wanted to visit our PIE missionaries and workers in their locations to see what they were doing. Everywhere we went we wanted to be a blessing to everyone we met.

Sister Gabi Stef works with women in the churches and from "out of country," in person as well as using technology: Bible studies, prayer, mentoring or handicrafts. Brother Cornel Stef and brother Walter encourage men to dedicate themselves to making disciples and to testify that they are dedicated witnesses of the Lord. I joined the same work in the desire to fulfill the Great Commandment as the Lord Jesus commands us!

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28 :18 - 20

Our trip started in Campeni, Alba county and went through towns and villages like Talna, Ocna Mures, Nou, Victoria, Curtea de Arges, Draganesti Olt, and continuing with Alexandria, Maldaieni, Beciu and Caciulatesti. We went and wanted to be in the will of the Lord according to the call and gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

Pray with us that:

  • The seed of God's Word will find good "earth" and bear fruit.

  • Our encouragement motivated both brothers and sisters to a greater dedication to making disciples and serving others.

  • All maybe guarded from the evil one! May the Lord be glorified through each of us.

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania National Director

A Place of Springs

Blessings to all,

My desire to be of service to the Lord led me to Suceava. There I met brother Catalin Croitor, the pastor of the Baptist Christian Church, "Bethlehem". He is also the current president of the Baptist Community in the area, and with whom I had a good and beautiful time!

The church he serves is in the process of finalizing a new building. The building is dedicated to service and worship before God, fellowship, and good deeds to men either by evangelism or through heavenly care, or both!

Along with us was brother Tudor Gherman, a man whose heart beats with passion for the completion and dedication of this place. He is actively involved together with many others!

Join us in our prayers as we ask God:

  • That His blessing be on the servants of the church, especially on brother Catalin and his family

  • That the Lord's church will have grace and be helped by the Lord in its needs

  • For financial support to complete the work

  • To fulfill the mandate given by the Lord to His disciples in Matthew 28: 19 – 20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”

  • Pray for me, too, that wherever I am traveling, I contribute to the "transformation" of that place into a place of springs: “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools.”  Psalm 84: 5-6

  • Pray that Partners in Evangelism International (PIEI) will be an organization whose purpose glorifies the Name of the Lord, to carry everywhere the good news of salvation

  • Pray that I may be part of the whole of this work

May the Lord hear our prayers!

Be blessed,

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania National Director

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An Open Door

On a visit to Sister Boc Floare, we saw how she continues her own worship service at the same time when the church is gathered together, even though she is ill.

Please pray for:

- Strengthen in her body

- Her intercessions for her family to be heard

- That when she can no longer walk and can no longer think, not to become a burden to anyone and that the Lord takes her home. This is her wish!

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I had a blessed opportunity and an open door today meeting with some parents and children from the church's after school program. The discussions centered on two topics: the first one regarding the participation at the after school program, especially the support offered for the prevention of school dropout, and help offered to the families in difficulty. The second topic referred to the importance of knowing the Truth, the Gospel, and faith in the Lord Jesus, and the only Savior of every soul that receives Him.

Pray for the children in this program:

  • Not to drop out of school

  • To appreciate the help received

  • To learn an attitude of gratitude towards the good received

  • To have an attitude of gratitude especially towards the God who takes care of them

  • That their hearts will be open to the gospel of the Lord Jesus

  • For the blessing of all who give financial support so that such things can happen, both in the town of Victoria and around the world.

Be blessed!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI-Romania National Director

The Sea Is Not Full...

"All the rivers run into the sea, and the sea is not full ..." -Ecclesiastes 1: 7

I was happy that after 17 years, I could be with my wife and son for seven days of vacation! We went to Saint George, where one of the arms of the Danube flows into the Black Sea. I sought to see "His unseen attributes … His eternal power and His Godhead..” (Romans 1:20). I rejoiced and my joy prompted me to thank Him and exalt the Name of the Lord, for the beauty of His creation and especially for His Majesty!

We found that the fresh water of the Danube, through this arm, flows into the sea, and while the sea does not fill, the river still has an impact. The area where the two meet has less salinity, and the sea water is not so salty!

I thought that the place where I was would be impacted by our presence there. I asked the Lord to open a door for the gospel, which He did! We were able to pray out loud for the family that hosted us and for their other guests. We were able to represent the gospel and show the need for faith in the Lord Jesus.

We left an audio device on which the entire Scripture is recorded, as well as other Bible studies. Moreover we left the door open to communicate and even to meet again with the our hosts, the family of Michael and Fanica Manecuta.

Prayer Requests:

  • That the gospel would be received and bring salvation of God to the Manecuta family.

  • Mr. Mihai's health.

  • New occasions for the seed which was sown to be watered by other believers with whom they will come in contact.

  • Pray for me to be able to be useful, to anyone and especially to the faithful.

  • For power and wisdom from above in my life.

TImotei Stanea - PIEI-Romania National Director

The Strategy of the Evil One



The missionaries are on the front lines, always ready to fight (not with their brothers and sisters) with the evil one who does not shy away from using biblical words and even people from churches to achieve his goal!

Jesus says that "the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." (John 10:10)

As director of PIE, but especially as a brother and servant of God, I sought to encourage and advise sister Florina, who desired to participate in a prayer group with the sisters from Dreganesti-Olt, was rejected. This was under the pretext she does not belong to the Body of Christ from Dragnest Olt, and that she is not in unity with it…

At the same time brother Octavian Berechet concluded a collaboration in the work of the Lord with Sister Florina.

Prayer Requests:

  • Encouragement of sister Florina

  • For the opening of new doors to proclaim the Gospel

  • For the power to move on when one is rejected

Timotei Stanea, PIEI-Romania National Director

Reaching Every Child

Summer is the time for camps, a place where children can enjoy sun, free time, play, new experiences, etc. Churches again have the opportunity to organize special meetings for children and young people. Churches continue the work to which they have been called to present the Gospel. This Gospel leads the steps of any person to salvation!


In collaboration with the Mission Without Borders, the church in Victoria organized a camp for 70 children. Children from the city of Victoria came and also from another locality - Lisa - where Brother Radu, a member of the church, works. Other members of the church, brothers and sisters, also regularly participated in meetings organized for children.

My message to those involved in this camp was that everyone should make sure that the Gospel reaches every child, and that the person of the Lord Jesus is presented simply, so that every child can understand.


''Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.'' -Ephesians 4:28

For me the written Word must be fulfilled as it is written, "that is to be embodied", to become reality, to be applied. Many say they are tired of preaching. They believe that preaching and fulfilling the preaching cannot be separated. I work in this context.

I fireproofed the framework of a church building in the locality of Danes, which is a branch of the church of the town Sighisoara, Mures County. I also helped them execute the work of electrical installations.

I considered to take my son, Timothy, to work together with me. I want to plant in him the thought and responsibility that he should eat his bread earned through work and sweat.

Prayer requests

First of all I thank God for answering my prayers.

  1. Pray with me for God to give me wisdom and guidance in the ministry of the church and of PIEI.

  2. For protection both for me and my family from the evil one.

  3. For the meeting with the missionaries and their families, that it would be under the Lord’s protection and care, with unity through the Holy Spirit, not only for the meeting, but in our whole ministry and service to our Lord.

  4. For strength, to serve the Lord and my fellow believers, to exhaustion if necessary, for others matters more than myself.

Timotei Stanea, PIEI - Romanian National Director

Counseling Our Brothers

Blessings to all!

After a time of intense service, the physical body accumulates enough fatigue that you feel like you are no longer efficient in service. We thank the Lord that even when we have such moments, He offers opportunities to continue in usefulness to others.


I managed to be involved in counseling the brothers, and in guiding the missionaries. I’ve had discussions with my brother Mihai Geabou and with my sister Florina, as well as trying to be available to serve everyone. I called the brothers in the desire to know what they were doing in order to bring their needs into prayer. At the same time we formed two "small groups" of 7 in each for sending their reports to PIE.

I also communicated to them the need to prepare their personal budget for a short analysis by the Romanian committee. Each one’s budget will be finalized next month and then sent to the Committee for Romania.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Relu's health

  • For the success of Gabi Cuc's daughter's baccalaureate exam

  • For Divine protection of missionary families

  • For the sacrificial spirit of each PIE worker

The Lord be with you!

Timotei Stanea - National Director PIEI-Romania

Improving Communication

Be blessed!


With the relaxation of restrictions, the number of activities we can do has increased. In the last week I contacted the missionaries by phone in order to learn current information from each of them. We talked about them, family, work, their prayer needs, and the joys they experience in ministry. I am also planning a meeting with each of them during the next two weeks.

I was recently involved in setting up a team to help me and the missionaries to better communicate between them and the PIE committee. After the weeks of isolation due to Covid-19, the sister who helps us with secretarial issues returned, and we started making things work. I contacted each missionary in order to establish the means of communication, and I obtained from each an agreement to process their personal data for PIE. We completed a database, prepared a suitable space for the work, and we managed to complete the problems related to Internet connections and phones. We can say that we are operational at the moment! Pray for the health of the team, spiritual wisdom, and visible efficiency in the context of the work between the missionaries and the PIE board.

Because of an established collaboration with the Borderless mission, we obtained medical protection equipment for each missionary, for doctors and nurses in the hospitals in the missionary’s work area. We consider these donations a new way of working to open doors for the Gospel in the context of relationships. We want to support the local work of the missionaries in this way as well. Pray for the openness of medical staff about accepting donations, the boldness of missionaries to make new contacts, and an appropriate framework for witnessing to the Gospel.

Pastor Timotei Stânea - National Director PIE-Romania


Strengthening Our Brotherly Bonds


As one who loved the law of God, the author of Psalm 1 says: 

" Blessed is the man 

Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, 

Nor stands in the path of sinners, 

Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, 

And in His law he meditates day and night." Psalm 1: 1-2 (NKJV) 

Starting in 2021, within the context created by the pandemic, we still found resources and solutions to maintain and even strengthen the brotherly bond and Christian love, by organizing online Bible studies. 

So our sisters, who for the second time, take part in a Bible study, taught by sister Gabriela Ștef from the USA, in Romanian language. In Romania sister Damaris Joldos coordinated the registration and administration within the PIEI organization; a collaboration of true partnership between PIE-USA and PIE Romania. 

Thus we organized for the women in Romania who are collaborating with PIEI two online Bible studies entitled, "Search me" and "The Masterpiece”.  

For this second Bible study online, 106 women enrolled, which shows how great their need for fellowship and Bible study, and also for communication in this context of social distance! 

After the Resurrection celebration (Easter Holiday) we resumed a Bible Study entitled, "The  Masterpiece" It included interactive Bible study, biblical counseling and prayer, for 32 women. Along the way several more sisters joined. This time the study is on "Zoom” so that the sessions could be recorded.  So many sisters who cannot participate "live” can listen to the weekly sessions later. 

As ones who will inherit the grace of life, we want our sisters to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this way the body of Christ is built, each member becoming a vessel of sanctified honor, useful to the Master. 

Pastor Timotei Stânea - National Director PIE-Romania 

Note: These studies were translated from English to Romanian by sister Gabi Stef a few years ago, from a Bible teacher known to some of the women in Romania from a previous mission trip. Sister Mandi Cornett, a Bible  teacher, speaker, and Christian author, who had been to Romania with PIEI in 2018, had spoken to women on  several occasions and several locations, as well as on Radio Voice of the Gospel (RVE Sibiu). Sister Mandi Cornett made available free of charge in digital format these studies to the women attending the online studies. Sister Gabi knows sister Mandi very well as they both attend the same church. Sister Gabi received permission to translate, teach, and distribute both studies free of charge to the glory of God.

General Report from Our Romanian National Director

Greetings and may the Lord bless you!

(A personal note and prayer request: Timothy Jr was injured in sports today and taken to the hospital in Fagaras. He is better and now home. Please pray for a full recovery. Thank you.)

As PIEI's Romanian national director I have begun a Bible study with the missionaries to encourage and build them up in their faith for the glory of our Lord. Prayerfully the Lord will be pleased to make us more like our Lord Jesus Christ and increase our effectiveness in the Gospel.

First, we began by seeing in the Scriptures how God calls people to be His workers. This led to personally evaluating ourselves. This was to recognize and confirm that each is in His work, at this time, and in the the place to which He has directed each one. All the missionaries shared testimonies that encouraged each other as God was and is evident in their respective lives.

Second, each evaluated themselves according the character qualities in 1 Timothy 3. These character qualities the Holy Spirit caused Paul to write to Timothy and also to us today. The first quality is “blameless,” and caused us to consider purity in our soul. This inner purity is pleasing to the Lord, and also important as an example to people as we live our lives in our communities.

I have a two-fold desire as we work our way through this study together: to hold fast to our common desire to serve together; and to become a team of brothers and sisters on the same path who will remain faithful to the Lord and each other.

Please pray:

  • That each missionary will be the man/woman God wants them to be

  • This time of personal reflection and evaluation will be consistent to a truthful testimony

  • That each one's character be under the control of the Holy Spirit and governing each of us

  • Protection of the missionaries, their families and those with whom they work

  • For open doors for the preaching of the Gospel

The following are a few missionaries' testimonies of God's call on their lives:


Reduced to the essence, two years after I repented the Lord put in my heart the desire to work with orphaned children. I waited for it to happen immediately, but four years passed when Raul asked me if I wanted to come to Oltenia to work with orphaned children. I said I would go if the Lord spoke to me. The Lord spoke to me in Hebrew 6:15 -“And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.” After which I quit my job and left by faith to serve the Lord working with orphans and the church planting team. This year marks the 22nd anniversary of my serving the Lord. 


I was working in Italy when I repented. Right from the moment of my conversion, God put in my heart these areas where I serve today. I knew the need was urgent, but I was not prepared. In 2015 God spoke to me through Romans 10:14-15 - “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!'”


For me the Lord's call to salvation was the first step at the age of 17. This was followed by a period of involvement with young people in the orchestra and marching band of the church in Racovita. The brothers in the church, but especially the pastor, saw in me a future worker in the Gospel, overseeing me studying and serving in the congregation. Sometimes going to other congregations, too. Thus I saw the great need for workers in the Lord's harvest.

I was more and more convinced that the Lord was calling me into His work as I grew in the Word. After marrying I prayed the Lord to certify this call by speaking to my wife. It was a clear confirmation when she said to me, “Dear, I believe that we must enter into the work of the Lord.” Immediately without me saying anything, the pastor brother asked me if I wanted to enter the work, because I would be able to serve the Lord much more. It was difficult to give up work, but we both decided to trust the Lord who called us (1994).

I praise the Lord for this honor and thank Him for being with us over the years. There is not a greater job.

The following are statements about a person's character:


The biblical synonym of the the word “character” would also be “cutting around the heart.” We see an example in Joseph in antiquity, but the best example is in Jesus. Amen!


Character is the sum of a person's habits, values and principles; and faithfulness is the cornerstone of character. A beautiful character, like Jesus’ is formed just as He was formed by accepting the will of the Father.


Basic character – be moral, have principles that one does not deviate from no matter the situation

Christian character – one is born again and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 2:5; Galatians 5:25.  The natural man must be crucified - Romans 6:6, Galatians 2:20 and 5:24)


Blessed are you, your homes and those you serve!

Concerning your way of life in the past, get rid of the old man who corrupts by deceptive lusts and would accompany you in the spirit of your mind; clothe yourself in the new man, made in the image of God …

Character – 

To be more than to do! 

Looking at some particulars of the apostle Paul in 1Timothy 3:1-7

  1. To be blameless (pihana = deed that violates morality, moral guilt, dishonesty, sin); blameless = clean, pure, innocent, pure in heart; the Lord says Job is blameless and pure in heart!

  2. A pure soul: tell your neighbor the truth! Don't give the devil opportunity. He works with his hands to have something good to give to the others. Use good words to build up, to give grace to those who hear.

  3. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by whom you have been sealed

  4. Are you a blameless man/woman?

  5. Are you pure in heart?

Our study will follow this model of looking at biblical text(s), then reflection with purpose for godliness.

May you increase in blamelessness and a pure heart as you walk in God's ways.

Timothy Stanea – PIEI Romanian National Director

Kingdom Work for the Lord

(Before highlighting the Lord's work to which He has called me please know that I am the pastor of PIEI's first church. Over years the Lord also has widened my ministry to include gospel-oriented mission organizations working in collaboration for His church in wider Romania. This has been a great blessing as well as growing me to become acquainted with resources to advance His kingdom. As PIEI's national director I feel God's calling to return the investment in me as PIEI's first missionary. Therefore, my reports to you will always be multi-faceted.)

In April I started a Bible course for sisters in the churches entitled "The Fulfilled Woman." I was helped by Sister Sorina Zaharia, who works with Choose Life! Every Sunday afternoon, the women met online and spent time in the Bible as well as sharing thoughts, experiences, and prayer requests. They spent the last lesson together at the church in Victoria, where they enjoyed a meal together. I thanked the sister and her husband with whom I established a partnership for new areas. PIEI missionaries will benefit during this year from the potential support of this couple in meetings and courses.

Pray that we will be able to organize training, courses, and events for PIEI’s mission points

Pray that the Lord will prepare hearts for Bible study, and for personal growth in Christian maturity

In Visul de Sus, Maramureș I visited where a Place of Prayer church has been built. I am involved on behalf of the Baptist Christian Community in a partnership project with International Cooperating Ministres. We support churches in their construction projects. This partnership has proved to be a great blessing for 14 Baptist, Pentecostal and Plymouth Brethren churches in agreement in the Gospel. The psalmist says, "As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.” (Psalm 84:6) I want my passage through this world to leave behind “sustainable transformations.” That is to bring added value and blessings with whom I interact. Below are photos from recent projects.

Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary resources for the ongoing projects in Viseul de Sus, Craiova, Daneș, Vânători, Geoagiu

Pray that the time will come when people will be able to go to these places of worship without restrictions and without fear

Pray that the brothers and sisters will grow in calling people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and to repentance

Apart from pastoring and with the involvment of the Victoria church leadership, we partner with Mission Without Borders through which we have several projects: After School, Family-to-Family, and Child Rescue Int. /Local Baptist Comunity

Before the feast of the Resurrection in April as a church we shared the Gospel, we discussed the purpose of the feast with parents and their children. (The Orthodox Church is the established church in Romania.) We explained the truth of the Gospel and consequences of the embracing or rejecting the Gospel. We sang, we prayed and gifts were shared.

Other Projects:

Spring brings the agricultural project. We work with eight families, helping them to learn successive growing techniques to grow vegetables. What they produce belongs to them, and after four years they receive a fully equipped solarium to continue what they have learned.

The After School Project:

Five days a week we are involved in preparing hot food for needy families. We seek to encourage them and support them emotionally. We want to be an authentic model for what it means to be a Christian. We are involved with all that we are and have, desiring to be obedient to God according to "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35) God has led my life in such a way as to teach me to “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15) We currently provide daily food to 35 children through this project.

Pray that the lives of children and parents will be impacted by God through this ministry

Pray that the Lord will bless those who give and sacrifice so that His purposes are accomplished

I began a study group of six men, including one who is not a member of the Victoria church, my son Timothy, and the others are brothers. I have entrusted the work to my son-in-law, to encourage his desire to develop ministry in his life. I am a participant. This is actually a prototype out of which we hope to have a pattern for small group study to offer PIEI missionaries. Some of the brothers from PIEI took the training with me offered by Choose Life! The study, called Ascension, considers the call to be a brave man.

Pray that our lives will be transformed by the Word studied

Pray that relationships between fathers and children will be in accordance with Scripture

Pray that every man will be responsible and fulfill the mandate entrusted to him by God

Pray that the sons will find in their fathers the biblical model of manhood and the necessary support in the maturation process

Regarding the family: We want to be in the will of God in who we are and in what we do for which we thank the Lord. My son, Timothy, at the age of 17 has turned to the Lord. I had the joy of kneeling with him and praying. He to be forgiven and saved by the Lord Jesus, and I to thank God for answering prayer. Thank you everyone who prayed for his salvation.

Yours in the Lord Jesus,

Timotei Stanea – PIEI National Director

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Missionaries Gather Together

After almost a year, the PIEI missionaries all managed to meet together at the PIEI Christian Center in Romania safely. It was a blessed time, especially as those have been less frequent lately.

Brother Eugen Ștef, the president of PIEI Romania, welcomed us all with words of joy and warmth. Brother Emanuel Joldos led us in a time of prayer using Psalm 68. Our prayers came from the sincere hearts of those who love the Lord and serve him in the field of the gospel. We had prayers of thanks and requests for a blessing over the workers involved with PIEI.

We studied how the Lord calls people to Him and also calls them to service. We took turns telling how each of us was called to the work. During the free discussions we shared opinions and experiences, each contributing to the building of the soul. I ended on my knees in prayer asking for the Lord's help over everyone, divine protection and open doors for the gospel.

On Saturday morning we met and prayed before the Lord for help. Brother Tani led the prayer and urged us to follow the Prayer of Jabez. The time that followed was dedicated to hearing information from Brother Jenu about the smooth running of things and the responsibility of each role. The final discussions with Marian Zamostean were also held, who was officially accepted as an administrator of the PIE website.

Pray that each missionary will know his calling to work. Let each one work according to what God has entrusted to him. Let every missionary be found faithful. I have included (at the bottom) some prayer requests from our missionaries.

We will be studying the characteristics of a man of God. Pray that each missionary will be willing to evaluate himself in terms of what the Scriptures say about character. Let the missionaries have the character that God wants, and if not, let this come to light. Pray for the opportunity for a new meeting of the missionaries with their families.

The Lord be with you!

Timothy Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

Prayer Requests from the Missionaries

-for two orphanages in Abrud

-for Ciprian and Ana, a young family from Sohodol that is sick

-for the Brazest mission point

-Prayer for the meeting with the young people from the sports field

-For the mission work from Albac (we don't have believers here yet - we meet in the houses of those who receive us)

-prayer for the wife of brother Joseph, who is ill. She is not a believer either!

-For the Word sown with women’s ministry and also evangelization on the street. May the Lord make Him fruitful.

-For the work with children, let the Lord bring as many children as possible.

-We need a minibus with 9 seats at the church. We have some money but not enough. May the Lord make up the difference and help us find a good sturdy one.

-New opportunities to create new jobs

-Children and women who hear the gospel, may the Lord give them their saving faith

-Let our children grow up with the fear and love of the Lord

-For the people who were at the funeral of Liviu from C. De Arges and heard the WORD OF GOD. Let faith in the Savior be born.

-For Traian’s wife, who has Alzheimer’s.

-For our first funeral in Nenciulesti where we took over this month.

-For workers to bring the Lord to the harvest

-The salvation of those to whom the Gospel is preached

Full Days Pastoring & Becoming PIEI's National Director


As you may recall I am the pastor at the Holy Trinity Baptist Christian Church in Victoria. During these last months of the pandemic the church  meets every evening via Zoom for prayer. We have suspended worship services on Thursday and Sunday aftenoons. Instead we meet every evening to pray, thanking God and making requests and means for our brothers and sisters from all over the world. We include fellow PIEI missionaries, their families, their existing churches and the newly established community outreach locations. We feel useful in the Lord's work not only locally and surrounding areas, but also in God's work throughout the world.


Acts 15:36 says: “Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord with many others.” Last week I completed my first goal as PIEI's national director to visit Mihail Geabou and family. I visited brother Cuc Gabriel and two brothers from the church in which he serves. On the way home I visited brother Liviu Costea from Craiova. We discussed the construction completion of the Craiova church!

Three to four hours Monday though Thursday evenings last week I participated in a seminar on Religious Freedom. About 80 Orthodox Church priests enrolled and some Baptist pastors, too. The concerns consisted  not only about the information provided, which were related to politics, legal media … but also the formation of a community to promote public policies aimed at religious freedom. It was a pleasure to take part in this seminar, receiving personal benefit as well as specialized information on this topic for the brothers. Also keeping in mind 1Thessalonians 5:21: “Test all things; hold fast what is good.”

I am thankful for the family that supports me in the ministry to which I have been called. My children and their wives are believers, too.


  • For the salvation of my son, Timothy, who is 17 years old. My wish and prayer is for the Lord to have mercy on him as well.

  • Working with PIEI missionaries: new applications; spiritual support to build and grow them in their likeness to the Lord Jesus; open doors for them to preach the Gospel; protection for them and their families and homes.

Timothy Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director