Strengthening Our Brotherly Bonds


As one who loved the law of God, the author of Psalm 1 says: 

" Blessed is the man 

Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, 

Nor stands in the path of sinners, 

Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, 

And in His law he meditates day and night." Psalm 1: 1-2 (NKJV) 

Starting in 2021, within the context created by the pandemic, we still found resources and solutions to maintain and even strengthen the brotherly bond and Christian love, by organizing online Bible studies. 

So our sisters, who for the second time, take part in a Bible study, taught by sister Gabriela Ștef from the USA, in Romanian language. In Romania sister Damaris Joldos coordinated the registration and administration within the PIEI organization; a collaboration of true partnership between PIE-USA and PIE Romania. 

Thus we organized for the women in Romania who are collaborating with PIEI two online Bible studies entitled, "Search me" and "The Masterpiece”.  

For this second Bible study online, 106 women enrolled, which shows how great their need for fellowship and Bible study, and also for communication in this context of social distance! 

After the Resurrection celebration (Easter Holiday) we resumed a Bible Study entitled, "The  Masterpiece" It included interactive Bible study, biblical counseling and prayer, for 32 women. Along the way several more sisters joined. This time the study is on "Zoom” so that the sessions could be recorded.  So many sisters who cannot participate "live” can listen to the weekly sessions later. 

As ones who will inherit the grace of life, we want our sisters to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this way the body of Christ is built, each member becoming a vessel of sanctified honor, useful to the Master. 

Pastor Timotei Stânea - National Director PIE-Romania 

Note: These studies were translated from English to Romanian by sister Gabi Stef a few years ago, from a Bible teacher known to some of the women in Romania from a previous mission trip. Sister Mandi Cornett, a Bible  teacher, speaker, and Christian author, who had been to Romania with PIEI in 2018, had spoken to women on  several occasions and several locations, as well as on Radio Voice of the Gospel (RVE Sibiu). Sister Mandi Cornett made available free of charge in digital format these studies to the women attending the online studies. Sister Gabi knows sister Mandi very well as they both attend the same church. Sister Gabi received permission to translate, teach, and distribute both studies free of charge to the glory of God.