General Report from Our Romanian National Director

Greetings and may the Lord bless you!

(A personal note and prayer request: Timothy Jr was injured in sports today and taken to the hospital in Fagaras. He is better and now home. Please pray for a full recovery. Thank you.)

As PIEI's Romanian national director I have begun a Bible study with the missionaries to encourage and build them up in their faith for the glory of our Lord. Prayerfully the Lord will be pleased to make us more like our Lord Jesus Christ and increase our effectiveness in the Gospel.

First, we began by seeing in the Scriptures how God calls people to be His workers. This led to personally evaluating ourselves. This was to recognize and confirm that each is in His work, at this time, and in the the place to which He has directed each one. All the missionaries shared testimonies that encouraged each other as God was and is evident in their respective lives.

Second, each evaluated themselves according the character qualities in 1 Timothy 3. These character qualities the Holy Spirit caused Paul to write to Timothy and also to us today. The first quality is “blameless,” and caused us to consider purity in our soul. This inner purity is pleasing to the Lord, and also important as an example to people as we live our lives in our communities.

I have a two-fold desire as we work our way through this study together: to hold fast to our common desire to serve together; and to become a team of brothers and sisters on the same path who will remain faithful to the Lord and each other.

Please pray:

  • That each missionary will be the man/woman God wants them to be

  • This time of personal reflection and evaluation will be consistent to a truthful testimony

  • That each one's character be under the control of the Holy Spirit and governing each of us

  • Protection of the missionaries, their families and those with whom they work

  • For open doors for the preaching of the Gospel

The following are a few missionaries' testimonies of God's call on their lives:


Reduced to the essence, two years after I repented the Lord put in my heart the desire to work with orphaned children. I waited for it to happen immediately, but four years passed when Raul asked me if I wanted to come to Oltenia to work with orphaned children. I said I would go if the Lord spoke to me. The Lord spoke to me in Hebrew 6:15 -“And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.” After which I quit my job and left by faith to serve the Lord working with orphans and the church planting team. This year marks the 22nd anniversary of my serving the Lord. 


I was working in Italy when I repented. Right from the moment of my conversion, God put in my heart these areas where I serve today. I knew the need was urgent, but I was not prepared. In 2015 God spoke to me through Romans 10:14-15 - “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!'”


For me the Lord's call to salvation was the first step at the age of 17. This was followed by a period of involvement with young people in the orchestra and marching band of the church in Racovita. The brothers in the church, but especially the pastor, saw in me a future worker in the Gospel, overseeing me studying and serving in the congregation. Sometimes going to other congregations, too. Thus I saw the great need for workers in the Lord's harvest.

I was more and more convinced that the Lord was calling me into His work as I grew in the Word. After marrying I prayed the Lord to certify this call by speaking to my wife. It was a clear confirmation when she said to me, “Dear, I believe that we must enter into the work of the Lord.” Immediately without me saying anything, the pastor brother asked me if I wanted to enter the work, because I would be able to serve the Lord much more. It was difficult to give up work, but we both decided to trust the Lord who called us (1994).

I praise the Lord for this honor and thank Him for being with us over the years. There is not a greater job.

The following are statements about a person's character:


The biblical synonym of the the word “character” would also be “cutting around the heart.” We see an example in Joseph in antiquity, but the best example is in Jesus. Amen!


Character is the sum of a person's habits, values and principles; and faithfulness is the cornerstone of character. A beautiful character, like Jesus’ is formed just as He was formed by accepting the will of the Father.


Basic character – be moral, have principles that one does not deviate from no matter the situation

Christian character – one is born again and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 2:5; Galatians 5:25.  The natural man must be crucified - Romans 6:6, Galatians 2:20 and 5:24)


Blessed are you, your homes and those you serve!

Concerning your way of life in the past, get rid of the old man who corrupts by deceptive lusts and would accompany you in the spirit of your mind; clothe yourself in the new man, made in the image of God …

Character – 

To be more than to do! 

Looking at some particulars of the apostle Paul in 1Timothy 3:1-7

  1. To be blameless (pihana = deed that violates morality, moral guilt, dishonesty, sin); blameless = clean, pure, innocent, pure in heart; the Lord says Job is blameless and pure in heart!

  2. A pure soul: tell your neighbor the truth! Don't give the devil opportunity. He works with his hands to have something good to give to the others. Use good words to build up, to give grace to those who hear.

  3. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by whom you have been sealed

  4. Are you a blameless man/woman?

  5. Are you pure in heart?

Our study will follow this model of looking at biblical text(s), then reflection with purpose for godliness.

May you increase in blamelessness and a pure heart as you walk in God's ways.

Timothy Stanea – PIEI Romanian National Director