Improving Communication

Be blessed!


With the relaxation of restrictions, the number of activities we can do has increased. In the last week I contacted the missionaries by phone in order to learn current information from each of them. We talked about them, family, work, their prayer needs, and the joys they experience in ministry. I am also planning a meeting with each of them during the next two weeks.

I was recently involved in setting up a team to help me and the missionaries to better communicate between them and the PIE committee. After the weeks of isolation due to Covid-19, the sister who helps us with secretarial issues returned, and we started making things work. I contacted each missionary in order to establish the means of communication, and I obtained from each an agreement to process their personal data for PIE. We completed a database, prepared a suitable space for the work, and we managed to complete the problems related to Internet connections and phones. We can say that we are operational at the moment! Pray for the health of the team, spiritual wisdom, and visible efficiency in the context of the work between the missionaries and the PIE board.

Because of an established collaboration with the Borderless mission, we obtained medical protection equipment for each missionary, for doctors and nurses in the hospitals in the missionary’s work area. We consider these donations a new way of working to open doors for the Gospel in the context of relationships. We want to support the local work of the missionaries in this way as well. Pray for the openness of medical staff about accepting donations, the boldness of missionaries to make new contacts, and an appropriate framework for witnessing to the Gospel.

Pastor Timotei Stânea - National Director PIE-Romania
