Counseling Our Brothers

Blessings to all!

After a time of intense service, the physical body accumulates enough fatigue that you feel like you are no longer efficient in service. We thank the Lord that even when we have such moments, He offers opportunities to continue in usefulness to others.


I managed to be involved in counseling the brothers, and in guiding the missionaries. I’ve had discussions with my brother Mihai Geabou and with my sister Florina, as well as trying to be available to serve everyone. I called the brothers in the desire to know what they were doing in order to bring their needs into prayer. At the same time we formed two "small groups" of 7 in each for sending their reports to PIE.

I also communicated to them the need to prepare their personal budget for a short analysis by the Romanian committee. Each one’s budget will be finalized next month and then sent to the Committee for Romania.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Relu's health

  • For the success of Gabi Cuc's daughter's baccalaureate exam

  • For Divine protection of missionary families

  • For the sacrificial spirit of each PIE worker

The Lord be with you!

Timotei Stanea - National Director PIEI-Romania