Reaching Every Child

Summer is the time for camps, a place where children can enjoy sun, free time, play, new experiences, etc. Churches again have the opportunity to organize special meetings for children and young people. Churches continue the work to which they have been called to present the Gospel. This Gospel leads the steps of any person to salvation!


In collaboration with the Mission Without Borders, the church in Victoria organized a camp for 70 children. Children from the city of Victoria came and also from another locality - Lisa - where Brother Radu, a member of the church, works. Other members of the church, brothers and sisters, also regularly participated in meetings organized for children.

My message to those involved in this camp was that everyone should make sure that the Gospel reaches every child, and that the person of the Lord Jesus is presented simply, so that every child can understand.


''Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.'' -Ephesians 4:28

For me the written Word must be fulfilled as it is written, "that is to be embodied", to become reality, to be applied. Many say they are tired of preaching. They believe that preaching and fulfilling the preaching cannot be separated. I work in this context.

I fireproofed the framework of a church building in the locality of Danes, which is a branch of the church of the town Sighisoara, Mures County. I also helped them execute the work of electrical installations.

I considered to take my son, Timothy, to work together with me. I want to plant in him the thought and responsibility that he should eat his bread earned through work and sweat.

Prayer requests

First of all I thank God for answering my prayers.

  1. Pray with me for God to give me wisdom and guidance in the ministry of the church and of PIEI.

  2. For protection both for me and my family from the evil one.

  3. For the meeting with the missionaries and their families, that it would be under the Lord’s protection and care, with unity through the Holy Spirit, not only for the meeting, but in our whole ministry and service to our Lord.

  4. For strength, to serve the Lord and my fellow believers, to exhaustion if necessary, for others matters more than myself.

Timotei Stanea, PIEI - Romanian National Director