An Open Door

On a visit to Sister Boc Floare, we saw how she continues her own worship service at the same time when the church is gathered together, even though she is ill.

Please pray for:

- Strengthen in her body

- Her intercessions for her family to be heard

- That when she can no longer walk and can no longer think, not to become a burden to anyone and that the Lord takes her home. This is her wish!

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I had a blessed opportunity and an open door today meeting with some parents and children from the church's after school program. The discussions centered on two topics: the first one regarding the participation at the after school program, especially the support offered for the prevention of school dropout, and help offered to the families in difficulty. The second topic referred to the importance of knowing the Truth, the Gospel, and faith in the Lord Jesus, and the only Savior of every soul that receives Him.

Pray for the children in this program:

  • Not to drop out of school

  • To appreciate the help received

  • To learn an attitude of gratitude towards the good received

  • To have an attitude of gratitude especially towards the God who takes care of them

  • That their hearts will be open to the gospel of the Lord Jesus

  • For the blessing of all who give financial support so that such things can happen, both in the town of Victoria and around the world.

Be blessed!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI-Romania National Director