The Sea Is Not Full...

"All the rivers run into the sea, and the sea is not full ..." -Ecclesiastes 1: 7

I was happy that after 17 years, I could be with my wife and son for seven days of vacation! We went to Saint George, where one of the arms of the Danube flows into the Black Sea. I sought to see "His unseen attributes … His eternal power and His Godhead..” (Romans 1:20). I rejoiced and my joy prompted me to thank Him and exalt the Name of the Lord, for the beauty of His creation and especially for His Majesty!

We found that the fresh water of the Danube, through this arm, flows into the sea, and while the sea does not fill, the river still has an impact. The area where the two meet has less salinity, and the sea water is not so salty!

I thought that the place where I was would be impacted by our presence there. I asked the Lord to open a door for the gospel, which He did! We were able to pray out loud for the family that hosted us and for their other guests. We were able to represent the gospel and show the need for faith in the Lord Jesus.

We left an audio device on which the entire Scripture is recorded, as well as other Bible studies. Moreover we left the door open to communicate and even to meet again with the our hosts, the family of Michael and Fanica Manecuta.

Prayer Requests:

  • That the gospel would be received and bring salvation of God to the Manecuta family.

  • Mr. Mihai's health.

  • New occasions for the seed which was sown to be watered by other believers with whom they will come in contact.

  • Pray for me to be able to be useful, to anyone and especially to the faithful.

  • For power and wisdom from above in my life.

TImotei Stanea - PIEI-Romania National Director