The Making of Disciples

Blessings from above, from our Heavenly Father!

At the meeting with my brother Cornel and brother Walter in October it was decided that the main mission of PIE-Romania would be the MAKING OF DISCIPLES. The fulfillment of the commandment of Matthew 28 shall constitute, for all missionaries, the ultimate concern in their work!

I’ve been looking to bring this message to the attention of each and every one of the missionaries. Together with the National Committee of PIE we have come to the conclusion that every national worker should receive a study material , accessible and focused on the Holy Scripture, to be used with their first disciples.  We have been looking at a study entitled "10 Fundamental Steps towards Christian Maturity".

We wish to begin this year, not before asking the Lord, to guide us toward those who will be the first involved in the Apprenticeship process. Each missionary, thus prepare at least one person who will also be collaborators in the work, we hope, in the near future. 

I have decided that my work will begin with two Victorian brothers, who have recently returned to the Lord, and with a Romanian sister who lives in Germany. Sister Dana told me that for 4 months she has been praying to the Lord to be given the opportunity to study the Word and to serve the Lord in the way He wills. Likewise, Brother Catalin opened his soul and confessed that he had a great desire to know the Word and the Lord, much more than ever before! He is thankful to the Lord Jesus for having mercy on him, and regrets the years that he have lost so far. The third person is my son Timothy, with whom I wish to share, like all others, what the Lord has given me so far; grace, learning, experience, love. ...all from Him, for Him, and for all those for whom He gave his life!

Prayer Requests: 

  • Let us receive power from above to complete this first step! 

  • May every missionary be guided by the Spirit in the choice of their first disciple and collaborator. 

  • Let us have the study material for each participant so that we can all begin in December. 

The Lord be with you all!

Timotei Stanea, PIEI-Romania National Director