Unrolling The Thread

“Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground…” -Hosea 10:12while

Be blessed!

After the journey of my last report among the PIE missionaries in their locales, brother Cornel, brother Walter and sister Gabi, enjoyed a pleasant opportunity with the local Church of The Lord in Racovita, Sibiu county. This was their 100th anniversary of the presence and Christian baptist testimony in Racovita. During these years the Lord entrusted me to serve Him five years in this church! Unrolling the thread of events of those days I remember how the Lord worked in my life as He gave me the privilege of His work in the lives of others! A text of the Scripture says: “He who waters others will also be watered himself.” (Proverbs 11:25)

From the experience of those years I also benefit today, and not only me but also my fellow missionary PIE brothers and sisters! Thank God for the time, relationships, and events while pastor of this church.

In the afternoon of Romanian Thanksgiving, I preached a message to turn the attention and minds of those present to being preoccupied with righteousness, the priority so that each one may “reap” God’s mercy! I found myself also wishing to be a beneficiary of this mercy. The result of this preoccupation with righteousness has eternal effects for bringing satisfaction. The fruit is expressed not only by words but in actions from what we have, we also share with others!

Please pray that all present be among those who do justice, so that all may experience the mercy of God! Pray that wherever the Word was sown will find “good soil” so that it can bear a fruit. Pray that every PIE missionary be a satisfied man who is joyfully willing to share with others what he has!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania National Director