Full Days Pastoring & Becoming PIEI's National Director


As you may recall I am the pastor at the Holy Trinity Baptist Christian Church in Victoria. During these last months of the pandemic the church  meets every evening via Zoom for prayer. We have suspended worship services on Thursday and Sunday aftenoons. Instead we meet every evening to pray, thanking God and making requests and means for our brothers and sisters from all over the world. We include fellow PIEI missionaries, their families, their existing churches and the newly established community outreach locations. We feel useful in the Lord's work not only locally and surrounding areas, but also in God's work throughout the world.


Acts 15:36 says: “Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord with many others.” Last week I completed my first goal as PIEI's national director to visit Mihail Geabou and family. https://www.piei.org/mihail-geabou-updates I visited brother Cuc Gabriel and two brothers from the church in which he serves.https://www.piei.org/romanian-pages/cuc-gavrila On the way home I visited brother Liviu Costea from Craiova. We discussed the construction completion of the Craiova church!

Three to four hours Monday though Thursday evenings last week I participated in a seminar on Religious Freedom. About 80 Orthodox Church priests enrolled and some Baptist pastors, too. The concerns consisted  not only about the information provided, which were related to politics, legal media … but also the formation of a community to promote public policies aimed at religious freedom. It was a pleasure to take part in this seminar, receiving personal benefit as well as specialized information on this topic for the brothers. Also keeping in mind 1Thessalonians 5:21: “Test all things; hold fast what is good.”

I am thankful for the family that supports me in the ministry to which I have been called. My children and their wives are believers, too.


  • For the salvation of my son, Timothy, who is 17 years old. My wish and prayer is for the Lord to have mercy on him as well.

  • Working with PIEI missionaries: new applications; spiritual support to build and grow them in their likeness to the Lord Jesus; open doors for them to preach the Gospel; protection for them and their families and homes.

Timothy Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director