Acting on pastoral responsibilities

Christ is Risen! We greet with the holiday of the victory of good for evil, the victory of light for dark! We are looking forward to such a victory in our country! Russian troops shots churches and temples, burn the Bibles and Christian literature, kills pastors, women, and kids such their deeds determines them as servants of the devil. But our Lord Jesus Christ won the devil by His resurrection. He asked "Where is your victory, hell. Where is your sting, death?"

We are happy to live in His victory!

1. Ministry in Hertz

By God`s grace, I was elected as a pastor of the church in Hertz city. I am as acting on pastoral responsibilities because the deacon is too old and he could not carry out that ministry. The head of our regional association Manoliy Danyk has come to our church and prayed for us. That was a big holiday for our church. May God help us to serve Him with heart and have fruits.

2. Ministry for refugees

For 1,5 months, we had a family from the Doneck region in our flat then they went abroad and now we accepted two guys from the Chernihiv region. We volunteer where we can be useful. In this difficult time, we do not live for ourselves for others and we feel enjoy from God by doing that.

3. Radio ministry

We continue to encourage people and give them hope. We have a special program The prayer marathon where people call or text us and we pray for them.

Prayer needs:

1. Pray for our ministry in Hertz, may Lord use us for His glory and many people learn out Christ.

2. Pray for our radio ministry, may people find calm in God through listening to our programs.

3. Pray for our family and may God protect us.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. God bless you and your families.

Missionary Alex Pastushak

Time for serve and Gospel

I greet you brothers and sisters with love of Jesus Christ. We experience horrible time to which we were nor ready and did not prepare. But with God’s grace and mercy we are still alive, we are able to overcome these temptations and to serve other people.

Our church in the Hertz city continue to gather despite the fear, air alarms and shells. Our brothers and sisters heartful pray and beg God to stop this hell on the earth. They fast as long as they can.

Our young family had brought their little boy to the church. They want God`s blessing for him for all his life. That was a great holiday for all church.

But after that, the war has started. After holiday, the grief came. Now all the people of Ukraine are in horror and panic from what is happening in many regions of the country. Thousands of victims, women, children, old people. Many were burned alive. This is not war, but terrorism and genocide. They shoot civilians who are evacuated by walking along the green corridor. They bomb hospitals and maternity hospitals, schools and kindergartens, houses and squares, all in a row. Europe has not remembered this for hundreds of years. Putin surpassed Hitler in his cruelty several times over. No one expected this and could not prepare. Almost 5 million people have already gone abroad, and about 2 million have moved to Western Ukraine as refugees. Everyone is running wherever they can. Our church and all believers accept refugees at home. We open our apartments and hearts for their needs. We serve them the best we can during this difficult time. They require both material and psychological support, as they are in shock and have lost everything they had.

We accepted one family from Sloviansk city of Donetsk region. Grandmother, parents, and two children with a cat came to us. They left there their flat, job, relatives, own city of their childhood. They are so appreciated that we opened our door for them. When we hear an air alarm, we go down to the basement of our building. It could be three times per day. Grandmother went to Romania after two weeks.

It this difficult time, we share the Gospel through the radio.

Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support. In God we trust and with Him we will get a victory!

Missionary Pastushak Alex.

Teenagers for Christ

Congratulations, dear brothers and sisters of the PIE mission. Thank God for the gift of another year, which brings with it many challenges and trials. God bless us so that we can live it much better than the previous year.

Thank you very much, dear friends, who have been with us, grieved for us, supported us spiritually in your prayers, held our hand, and continue to do so now. This is a great work that we feel and we thank God for you.

At the end of December 2021, with God's help, we held the second session of the Bible School. About 15 teenagers attended the lessons. During the day they participated in prayer, glorification of God with songs, lessons and leisure.

This time new students have been added who want to study the Bible in depth.

An interesting new subject was "History of Christianity", which was taught by Pastor Hryhoriy Pastushak. Students could learn about key events and people in the development of Christians from the First Apostolic Church to the present.

We plan to go with our students to the church in Hertz. We have very talented teenagers who know how to play instruments, sing well, recite poems and preach.

We begin a special service in our church with teenage girls. My wife is in Bible seminary and has felt called to such a ministry. More than 20 girls have already responded and promised to come to a meeting called TeensHouse. A series of meetings based on the book of Esther with the theme "God sees you as a princess" is planned.

Prayer requests:

1. Pray for our students to study diligently and love the Word of God.

2. For the girls who will come to the meeting, so that they see their uniqueness and the potential inherent in them by God.

3. May God protect our family from the covid.

4. May God intercede for us and not start a war with Russia.

We deeply appreciate your contribution to our ministry, your dedication, your prayers, and your financial support. Together with you we work for the common church of Christ and our one God.

Missionary Pastushak Alex.

Radio brings hope to homes

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am glad to congratulate all participants of the PIEI mission on such a warm and bright holiday as Christmas. Jesus brought peace to the earth and to our hearts, and may His peace be higher than our minds and never leave you no matter what problems and troubles you face.

It is a great pleasure to know you and to bear witness to the power and blessings of God that we experience in our ministry.

1. Radio service

This year we have 2 great news: we have opened a new studio in Kyiv and we received the FM frequency in the city of Zaporozhye (Central Ukraine). More than 1 million people live there, that's why we got so many potential listeners. These are God's miracles, because for many years we applied for a new frequency, but the state did not give us anything.

Topic: Fake fear (2 Tim. 1: 7) Urgent! Spread it! Social networks are blushing with such headlines. But such news is most likely fake. But no one is hearing the screaming Bible nearby. What makes me afraid? Why do I allow fear to control my life? How is fear born? And how not to fall for it?

Topic: Icy Heart (Gal. 6: 2) How do we react to another person's pain? Mostly indifferent. But when it comes to us, we shout why everyone doesn't care? Why do people become cold with icy hearts and think only of themselves? In God's family, it is customary to help one another in need and to lend a hand.

Topic: Taste dirty food (Deuteronomy 5:20) When we buy an apple, we wash it before tasting. When we hear negative information about a person, do we accept it immediately or do we also clean and wash it? Gossip and condemnation make a person callous and distance him from God.

Topic: The Silent Killer of Marriage (Eph. 6: 4). Every girl dreams of a man who will love and care for her. But after the wedding, it may turn out that he is not the one he pretended to be and loves only himself and he wants to be served as a god. It is important to him that all his wishes are fulfilled without any resistance, and if you do not agree, he will press emotionally and blackmail until you break. Who is an abuser and how to deal with it?

2. Ministry in the city of Hertz

We regularly visit this church with the Word of God, verses and songs, we support them spiritually.

Sister Lena, 94, has always been very active in the church service and now also participates in poetry and solo songs. She always walked to the House of Prayer, but now it is difficult for her and we bring her by car to the service. We decided to support her financially. Her husband recently died and her son is drinking and taking money from her for alcohol. We bought her basic necessities so she could have something to eat at home. She was very sad at home alone and she asked to buy her a radio. We brought her a radio, so now she can listen to Christian programs and sermons at home.

3. Bible school

We are preparing for the second session of our school to make it interesting and useful for teenagers to learn Bible science. The session will begin on December 27.

4. Prayer requests:

- For reaching new people through radio waves, so that more and more hearts can open and accept Christ. Thank God for the new frequency in the city of Zaporozhye.

- For spiritual awakening in the city of Hertz

- For holding a Bible school, so that more teenagers come, and so that the authorities do not forbid us to gather.

Thank you for your prayerful and financial support. Our joint work has a good result for the glory of God! May God bless your churches, your families and your hearts!

Merry Christmas!

Missionary Pastushak Alex.

Girls want to know God

Sincere greetings to all of you who read this letter. I am glad to inform you about God`s love and providence. I clearly see how He leads us and uses us for His glory. And I am thankful to you that you are our partners and coworkers with our ministry in Ukraine.

Ministry in Hertza

One girl Carmelita who repented in the camp came to our congregation and listened to the Word of God. She has hard conditions at home, her parents are always drunk, she needs attention and help.

Another girl Viktoria who attended our camp in Hertza moved to Chernivtsi and agreed to come to the church and Sunday school with us.

Bible school

In August we held "The school of young Timothy" in Carpatian mountains for a couple of days. There were a lot of teenagers, we taught them some lessons about God`s names, attributes and His nature. They were very attentive and would like to continue our meetings. So we decided to make the Bible school for teenagers at our church in Chernivtsi. We organized the new educational institution with a classroom, dining room, hostel, and schedule of lessons. We will have four sessions during the year. With God`s help and grace, we conducted the first session already.

Sixteen teenagers entered our school. They listened to different lessons about the establishment of the Bible, they learned our confession and creed, what do we believe in, the Bible geography and the review of the New Testament. In the end, they passed the tests of each course. They made a good job and passed tests well.

We need God's wisdom and strength to teach them and to lead them to the worship of God with their lives.

God`s providence appeared in our ministry. Viktoria came to Hertza only for two months this summer, exactly at that time when we held the camp, so she came to us, and attended our camp all week. Then she moved to the Chernivtsi, but we kept in touch with her and she agreed not only to come to the church but to enter the Bible school. And she came to us with her sister, so we had two unbelieve girls in our class who could learn about God a lot. And they absorbed all information like a sponge and passed excellent tests.

Prayer needs:

1. Pray for Carmelita may she come to Christ.

2. Pray for these two girls Viktoria and Nikole may through these lessons they learn the love of God and accept Him into their hearts.

3. Pray for us, may God help us and lead us in our ministry.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. God would not stay in debt and will reward you for your ministry.

We love you and pray for you.

With a prayer for you, missionary Pastushak Alex.

Bible school


I am glad to welcome all missionaries and workers of the PIEI mission. May God's mercy and grace fill your hearts, families and ministries. Thank you so much for worrying about our ministry in Ukraine. Because of you, we can work so hard for God's glory. We feel your prayers and we also pray for you.

1. Service in Hertz

We have given God glory and praise in our small community for His immense blessings on Thanksgiving Day. We also remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ with bread and wine as a type of the body of Jesus Christ.

We held a post-camp meeting, where we could play with the children again and tell them about Christ. They were really looking forward to this and want to come back to the camp.

2. Radio ministry

Topic: Who is your accountant? (2 Cor. 9: 7). How to properly distribute the family budget? Who should earn and who should spend? These questions arise before every family. But the most important thing is how much money do we give to God? Do we understand that they are given to us by God? How to learn to donate money and not regret it?

Topic: Post-abortion depression (Matt. 11: 28-30). Women say this: my body is my business, what I want to do with it and do it. It seems so easy you can get rid of unnecessary problems and costs. But the trouble is that having an abortion, you will never forget about it, and a good decision turned out to be fatal. How to get out of post-abortion depression and start living free of guilt and nightmares?

Subject: A stranger among his own (John 1: 11,12). It hurts in my soul when a child comes to a family, and nobody needs him, parents are constantly at work, but at home they only swear and they do not care about him. It's a shame when everyone at school bullies and laughs at you, when your friends don't accept you for who you are. How not to break down and emerge victorious from such a situation?


3. Bible school

This summer we held a school for young Timofey in the Carpathians for teenagers. And now we want to make a special school for them so that they can study the Scriptures more deeply. The goal of this school is the spiritual growth of teenagers, as well as the preparation of preachers and ministers for our church.

In a week we will have our first session, there are many who wish, and we pray that everything will go blessed by God, so that this work will have a special impact on the character and future life of these young guys.

4. Prayer requests:

1. For the children who were at the camp meeting to open their hearts to God.

2. For radio listeners, so that they come to the knowledge of the truth.

3. For school so that teenagers can know God more.

We thank you for your financial support, for your prayers and dedication to the cause of Christ. May God reward and bless you!

With a prayer for you, missionary Pastushak Alex.

Сamp "Good News"


I am delighted to welcome you brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission. We are grateful to God that we know you and can serve Him together. May God bless you for your prayers and support for our work here in Ukraine.

Ministry in Hertz


With God's help, we held a children's camp. The children were really looking forward to this, since last year there was a quarantine. We gathered for 5 days and 23 children came. That's a lot for this small town. There were different stations for song study, Bible verse, sports and Bible lesson. At the end of each lesson, the children were asked to pray to Jesus in their own words. Three girls said a prayer of repentance and now have desires to attend services. Parents came to the house of prayer to see how their children were and they could also hear the Word about God.

Further, we plan to make meetings with these children every month in order to continue communication and testify to them further about Christ.

Radio ministry

Topic: When will everything be okay? (Matthew 11: 28,29) We are always promised that tomorrow will be better, that a good time will come, but for some reason it never comes. The truth is, without God, it never gets better. Even if things don't go well, God and I will still be fine. Only to those who love Him, everything works together for good.

Topic: Suffering as Bitter Medicine (1 Cor. 1: 6). We do not want to have problems, experiences, trials and suffering. Our body desires only pleasure and well-being. But in fact, all unpleasant situations affect us, our character and our soul. It is through them that God can develop good qualities in us and change us for the better.

Topic: 7 laws of life (Matthew 22: 37-39). Each country and organization has its own rules and laws. Likewise, moral and spiritual laws should be laid in personal life that help development and warn against shipwreck. They talked about honesty, generosity, forgiveness and love for each other.

Topic: Give life (Psalm 138: 13). During the coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine, the number of abortions has increased dramatically. Young girls in a panic, do not know what will happen tomorrow, in fear of contracting the virus, they have abortions. Psychologists in this industry and I said that not everything is as sad as it seems to girls at first glance, that there is an opportunity to get help from life centers that will support you in difficult times. We urged not to make hasty actions, but to give the child a chance to be born.

Social problem and ways to solve it

In our time in Ukraine, we notice how people began to close in on themselves. Due to the war and the virus, everyone began to suspect each other of something, distrust, avoid communication and any contact. On the street, you can see many angry and unfriendly passers-by who can be rude or offend anyone. Someone's children died in the ATO, someone's parents died from the coronavirus, someone has lost their job and is suffering a crisis, and prices for everything are growing, there are a lot of reasons for sadness and anger.

In our programs, we often talk about love for each other, about the fact that life is not easy now, but with God everything is possible. With Him we can go through any difficulties and troubles. We also give our prayer support number so that they can communicate with counselors more closely and resolve their psychological and spiritual problems.


Vladimir turned to everyone and now decided to call us. He complained to us of constant fatigue and frequent nightmares in his sleep: "I just go to bed, fall asleep right away, switch off. I have no strength, but I have to work, since I have three daughters. I dream of the dead, whom I knew alive." During the conversation, it turned out that he had gone to the grandmother's path so that it would go away with him, but she only siphoned off money from him and nothing helped. Then he went to the Orthodox Church, where the priest in the church demanded a large amount of money, said "this is for proofreading, without money it will not work." And there is no such money, I had to buy an icon in the iconostasis. But all this did not help - fatigue and nightmares continue. We explained the reason for his dreams and conditions based on God's Word. Vladimir listened attentively, immediately agreed to pray a prayer of repentance. Like a sponge, it absorbed all the information. He promised to buy a Bible to study and pray. There are Protestants in the village - they recommended that Vladimir attend a Sunday meeting. He agreed to go to them.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray for all the children who visited our camp so that God will grow the seed that was sown.

2. For the girls who repented so that their faith would grow and their parents would not forbid them to attend church.

3. For our health, so that God will protect us from sickness and give strength to serve Him even more.

4. For our spiritual condition, so that we can overcome all the arrows of the wicked one, and overcome temptations and with zeal to do God's work.

We thank God from a pure heart for such favors in the ministry, and we also thank you for being a part of this. Thank you for your prayers and material support. May God reward you a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Pastushak Alex.

Prepearing for a camp


We greet you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. Thank God for the opportunity to be part of such a large team of ministers and write to you about God's blessings in our ministry.

  1. Ministry in the city of Hertz

With God's help and with the support of the House of Peace Church from Chernivtsi, we have renewed the fence, which is more than 20 years old. It became much better, even the neighbors began to approach and admire how beautiful we did it. So I got into a conversation with them and we could testify to them.

We are planning to hold a children's camp from July 19 for 5 days. We put up many posters with advertisements in the city center, in the market, near the park and shops, and we also handed out invitations to the camp to passers-by.

Many people stopped near the house of prayer and asked about the camp, when it would be and what would happen there. We plan that there will be more than 20 non-believing children who will be able to hear about God.

Two girls, who had been here in the camp earlier, also came up and were very happy that they could come to us again. They have a lot of good memories from those camps.

We have prepared a courtyard near the House of Prayer so that there is a comfortable playground for all games and children. My wife Nadezhda, who underwent the operation, also helped and cleared the trees with an ax.

We helped sister Lena who buried her husband recently with many products. She was surprised and grateful for that.


2. Radio ministry

Topic: How to respond to evil? (1Pet.1: 9) We are surrounded by a lot of injustice and evil. Is it upsetting, unnerving, or regrettable? If we are filled with bitterness and anger because of this, then we are no better than others. It is better to give good for evil, and not take revenge, it will be like a fever on the head of such people. God looks at the world and its sins with pity, like a doctor who wants to heal sick people. We also need to react to evil.

Topic: Merciful marriage (Mt. 7: 7) A marriage in which there is rivalry, quarrels, resentment and unforgiveness will not last long. For strong relationships, every family needs sincere sacrificial love, patience for each other's weaknesses, empathy and mercy.

Topic: Do you love or not? (John 13:35) We expect others to love ourselves, but do we love? We talked about how to love others and where to get strength for this? And also about what the Bible says about love and how God the Father loved us.

Topic: Everything works for good (Rom. 8:28) We are very offended by God when something goes wrong with us, when we have difficulties and illnesses. But the question is not why God allowed it, but for what? Absolutely everything that God allows has its purpose and goal. Everything works for the good, the main thing is to see and accept it. But there is a condition - it only works for those who love Him, who are His child.

3. Certificate

Irina was looking for the help of a psychologist and found us. The conversation with us began with the fact that she wants to do something with herself. She said that her husband was beating her. "He was not always like this: in the war he was hit on the head with something and, after that, he became aggressive." Irina considers him good, loves him, does not want to quit. As she told all this, the woman cried. She admitted that she had already been poisoned and wanted to hang herself ... And last week her husband stabbed her with a knife. The woman did not go to the police, she forgiven him. We listened attentively to Irina. When emotions calmed down a little, we tried to discuss the possibility of leaving this relationship ... It was evident that it was very difficult for a woman. In addition to violence, Irina is experiencing the loss of her older brother - she buried him, there is also no understanding with her mother ... Gradually, the conversation switched to meanings, why she should live. Irina said that she has a son, whom she gave birth to at 16. The son often tells her: “Mom, you are the only one ...” She remembered that it is worth living for her son and not allowing herself to be treated like that. The woman allowed us to pray for her. She was glad to know that she can call us when necessary, that our team will pray for her. She was also asked to contact the Family Violence Counteraction Line. Irina ended the conversation in a much calmer state and was grateful for our help and support.

4. Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for a children's camp in Hertz, so that God will give good weather and many children can hear about God.

  • Pray for us may God gives us wisdom to serve Him right and fruitful.

Thank you for your prayer and material support, which is a great blessing for our family.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex

A baby was not killed


We greet you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. Thank God for the opportunity to be part of such a large team of ministers and write to you about God's blessings in our ministry.

  1. Ministry in Hertz

Our sister Lena, who is 94 years old, buried her husband. She is a very dedicated and zealous woman. She walks to services and sings solo songs every time at that age. She prays very much for her family, which does not know God. She already has many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her grandchildren came to our children's camp.

Last Sunday we had 4 new people at our service, some of them do not know God yet.

We are planning to hold a children's camp in July. We prepare a good program, games and sports so that the children are interested, and we also prepare a courtyard for this near the house of prayer.

2. Radio ministry

Topic: Free slave (Gal. 5: 1). The Jews left Egypt for the Passover feast. They were slaves yesterday, but today they are free. On the same day, Jesus died so that the slaves of sin would become free. Jesus died and rose again so that man could live.

Topic: Victory over fear (2 Tim. 1: 7). Each person has their own fears, some small and others serious, which lead to panic. How to overcome fear and what to do with it? What fear is normal, and what is the extreme and the problem? How Should You Fear God?

Topic: Searching for God (Matthew 6:33). Throughout the history of mankind, people have always looked for a deity for themselves, they worshiped the sun, moon, stones and idols. Where does such a desire to seek God come from and how to find the True Creator?

Topic: Modern Israel (1 Pet. 2: 9). Israel is God's chosen people. Why did He choose this particular people and how does God choose today? Why are Jews constantly being persecuted, killed and everyone is at war with them? What is the future of Israel?

3. Fact about Ukrainian culture

40 days after the resurrection of Christ in Ukraine there is a public holiday of the Ascension of the Lord, which symbolizes the reunification of Jesus Christ with God after the crucifixion and Transfiguration. Ascension is celebrated for 10 days and ends before the feast of the Trinity. Traditionally, on this holiday, the last Orthodox procession is performed, and it is also customary to commemorate deceased relatives.

4. Social problem and ways to solve it

The poorest part of the population of Ukraine is considered to be the Roma settlements in Transcarpathia. They are a separate people, with their own language, culture and history. Their distinctive feature is unsanitary conditions and begging. In their mentality, there is no concept of working and earning a living, there is no concept of ennobling your home. They live in very old houses, without heating and in terrible conditions for the civilized world. They live off the birth of children, they get married at an early age and give birth to children every year. And they eat at the expense of state allowances for children. They also walk around the city and ask for or steal money. Many churches are especially looked after by these families and children. They visit their settlements, hold camps for children and help them with food. And also the translation of the Gospel into their language began so that they could learn the truth about God.

5. Certificate

Alexandra Ivanovna listened to our program and turned to us with a request to support her in prayer. For 10 years her granddaughter Yana could not get pregnant, but the Lord had mercy on her, she was cured and is now pregnant. But ... it turned out unexpectedly and not the way Yana wanted ... The granddaughter was upset and said that she was not ready to become a mother and, even, was going to have an abortion. The grandmother and all the relatives were shocked, Alexandra Ivanovna was very worried and asked to pray that God would save this baby. After prayer and communication with us, the woman testified that her soul became easy, she trusted the Lord and began to wait for an answer from Him. And the answer came!

After a while, we phoned her. She was very happy with the call and testified that the Lord gave wisdom to the whole family to surround Yanochka with prayer and love, and the girl decided to keep the baby, she is already registered for pregnancy!

6. Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for a children's camp in Hertz, so that God will give good weather and many children can hear about God.

  • Pray for sister Lena that God will comfort her heart.

  • Pray for the new people who are attending our church that God will lead them to a knowledge of the truth.

  • Pray for us and our health so that we can serve God zealously and successfully.

Thank you for your prayer and material support, which is a great blessing for our family. May the generous Lord bless you generously.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex

God changed life by phone talking


We warmly greet you all PIEI ministers. I am very pleased to once again write to you about God's blessings that He performs in our ministry in Ukraine. I am grateful to you for taking a direct part in our local mission. God shows by fruit that we are not trying in vain and that this work is important to Him.

1. Radio ministry

- Subject: Trust but verify (1 Cor. 13: 7). What is trust built on, and how can you win it? How can you live with someone you don't trust? How to renew attitude and trust after betrayal? If I check everything and suspect everything, then this is distrust.

- Topic: Choose life (Deut. 30:19). Due to many problems and troubles, people become disillusioned with life, give up and do not even try to fight for themselves and their place under the sun, and some even end up with their lives. But it is important to realize that not everything is as terrible as it seems to us at first glance, that when you rely on God, you see the light at the end of the tunnel and He will give you the strength to endure everything and survive in any situation.

- Topic: Where did the real men go? (Eph. 5:25). Nowadays there are many masculine women and feminine men. Women go to the army, and men go to beauty salons. Husbands refuse to fulfill their direct duties, and everything is laid on women's fragile shoulders. We have shown God's plan for the family and the role of men in marriage.

- Topic: Family Challenges (1 Thess. 4: 3-5). In our digital and modern age, there are so many temptations that destroy families. Pornography, alcoholism, gambling addiction, prostitution, materialism and the desire to get rich, jealousy and much more. How not to get lost in this and to save your family?

2. Testimony, Ivan

Ivan watched us on Facebook. He called and told us that after his long illness, his wife left him and divorced him; he was fired from his job; loans taken for a wife must be repaid; after an illness, a hormonal failure occurred in the body and he recovered to 130 kg. Ivan has despair, he is passive and just goes with the flow. We listened to him. He had not yet shared with anyone and had not talked about his troubles - it was a shame, he opened with us for the first time and, thank God, it became a little easier for him. We gave some advice to Ivan. We also talked about God - a man once attended church, but now he does not go anywhere, does not read the Bible, does not pray. During the fellowship, he prayed a prayer of repentance.

After our testimony that God is the Healer and He cured us of infertility, Ivan was no longer so categorically against attending church ... We agreed with Ivan that he would go, if possible, to the service. Ivan said goodbye with the words "Thank you for understanding me, with you I was able to open up and learn more about God"

3. Prayer requests

- A young family in a church in the city of Hertz became pregnant. We ask you to pray for the entire period of gestation so that God bless them with easy childbirth.

- For our health, so that God bless our recovery after suffering from Covid's illness.

- For our radio ministry, so that even more people listen to the programs and their hearts and destinies change.

- For holding a children's camp in Hertz, so that children can hear the Word about God.

We thank God very much for you that you are joining our ministry. We pray for you and may God bless you abundantly and reward you for your sacrifice and dedication to this cause.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex