Bible school


I am glad to welcome all missionaries and workers of the PIEI mission. May God's mercy and grace fill your hearts, families and ministries. Thank you so much for worrying about our ministry in Ukraine. Because of you, we can work so hard for God's glory. We feel your prayers and we also pray for you.

1. Service in Hertz

We have given God glory and praise in our small community for His immense blessings on Thanksgiving Day. We also remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ with bread and wine as a type of the body of Jesus Christ.

We held a post-camp meeting, where we could play with the children again and tell them about Christ. They were really looking forward to this and want to come back to the camp.

2. Radio ministry

Topic: Who is your accountant? (2 Cor. 9: 7). How to properly distribute the family budget? Who should earn and who should spend? These questions arise before every family. But the most important thing is how much money do we give to God? Do we understand that they are given to us by God? How to learn to donate money and not regret it?

Topic: Post-abortion depression (Matt. 11: 28-30). Women say this: my body is my business, what I want to do with it and do it. It seems so easy you can get rid of unnecessary problems and costs. But the trouble is that having an abortion, you will never forget about it, and a good decision turned out to be fatal. How to get out of post-abortion depression and start living free of guilt and nightmares?

Subject: A stranger among his own (John 1: 11,12). It hurts in my soul when a child comes to a family, and nobody needs him, parents are constantly at work, but at home they only swear and they do not care about him. It's a shame when everyone at school bullies and laughs at you, when your friends don't accept you for who you are. How not to break down and emerge victorious from such a situation?


3. Bible school

This summer we held a school for young Timofey in the Carpathians for teenagers. And now we want to make a special school for them so that they can study the Scriptures more deeply. The goal of this school is the spiritual growth of teenagers, as well as the preparation of preachers and ministers for our church.

In a week we will have our first session, there are many who wish, and we pray that everything will go blessed by God, so that this work will have a special impact on the character and future life of these young guys.

4. Prayer requests:

1. For the children who were at the camp meeting to open their hearts to God.

2. For radio listeners, so that they come to the knowledge of the truth.

3. For school so that teenagers can know God more.

We thank you for your financial support, for your prayers and dedication to the cause of Christ. May God reward and bless you!

With a prayer for you, missionary Pastushak Alex.